Sequence Query Help

  • Hi,

    I have to generate a sequence in the following manner

    3 Characters Group Code +'/' + 3 Characters Doc Type Code + '/' + 2 digts of current year + 4 digits sequence padded with 0's



    In my stored procedure I am passing Group Code and Doc Type Code and the procedure should check in where clause if any number exists with the passed Group Code and Doc Type Code and current year 2 digits and if null returns it should generate CBG/POL/12/0001 otherwise CBG/POL/12/0002 or the next sequence..

    how to achive this.

  • i have solved my own question like this.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Proc_GenerateDocNo]

    @BGroup varchar(3),

    @DocType varchar(3),

    @DocNumber varchar(15) OUTPUT



    DECLARE @curr_Seq varchar(50)

    SELECT @curr_Seq = ISNULL(MAX(right(All_Documents.DocNo,4)),'0000')+1 FROM All_Documents

    WHERE LEFT(All_Documents.DocNo,3) = @BGroup AND SUBSTRING(LEFT(All_Documents.DocNo,7),5,3) = @DocType

    AND SUBSTRING(LEFT(All_Documents.DocNo,10),9,2) = RIGHT(DATEPART(YY,GETDATE()),2)

    SELECT @DocNumber = @BGroup + '/'+@DocType+'/'+RIGHT(DATEPART(YY,GETDATE()),2)+'/'+RIGHT('0000' + + CAST(@curr_Seq AS varchar(4)),4)

  • Now all you have to do is solve the problem of concurrent runs getting the same number because your code does allow that to happen. It may be rare, but it can happen especially since there's nothing in that code to lock down the "reservation" of the sequence number within the same code that determines what it should be. AND, you have to be VERY careful when you do so or you'll create the world's capitol for deadlocks.

    I have a sproc that will do simple numeric sequences that can very easily be modified for what you want to do at the following link. It's well documented and you shouldn't have a problem with the conversion. The key is that you have to both update the sequence table and get the new sequence number in the same "query" to prevent duplicates due to concurrent runs, which is what the code does quite nicely. Here's the link.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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