Visual Basic 2008 Script Task

  • I'm stumped. I have a script task for getting some files from an intranet site, then posting them to an archive FTP Location with a datestamp (mmddyyyy) appended. But the mm part isn't what I want - if it's a single digit month I want to pad the start with "0". Here's the snippet of what I'm doing:

    Dim myHttpConnection = "HTTP Connection FTTN"

    Dim my107URL = "\\\FTP\FTP_SOG\Working\"

    Dim myCA1URL = "\\CAFRFD1LTSPIA01\vp_gm_report\STAGING\"

    Dim tmm = DatePart("m", Now)

    Dim tdd = DatePart("d", Now)

    Dim fileDate = DatePart("yyyy", Now)

    Dim filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Dim myDestFile = "VP-GM Report"

    If tdd < 10 Then

    fileDate = "0" & tdd & fileDate


    fileDate = tdd & fileDate

    End If

    If tmm < 10 Then

    fileDate = "0" & tmm & fileDate


    fileDate = tmm & fileDate

    End If

    ' at this point the date should be 01312013

    Dim myArchiveFile = myDestFile & "_" & fileDate & ".txt"

    ' and the file should be VP-GM Report_01312013.txt

    But it's coming out like this: VP-GM Report_1312013.txt

    Any suggestions as towhat I'm doing wrong? A similar code piece in activeX scripting worked OK

  • Try assigning a datatype to your variables, you would get less issues like this.

    Datepart returns an integer value, so tmm is of type Integer. In your concatenation, fileDate is implicitly converting to an integer, so the leading zero is dropped.

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  • That was it! Sometimes it's the simple things that elude you 😀

    There were 2 of us looking at it and we both missed that - and the other guy has tons of VB experience - unlike me

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