SQL Replication Question

  • So I currently have transactional replication running from multiple servers A, B, C, -Y (publishers) to one Server Z (Subscriber). All is good. I would like to publish data from server Z to all other servers with the same data. Therefore I would like to use merge replication. So my question is, if I have transitional replication running in one direction (multiple servers) can you overlap replication in the opposite direction with merge replication.

  • I'm not an expert on this, but I can't see why this shouldn't work. Unless it's the same data replicated in both directions which means you're creating a loop.

  • Great, Thank you... I will try and let you know if it works or fails

  • I think there will be conflict when you will create using same table(Articles) in database.

  • It will conflict only in the Primary Key case....



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