Scheduled Job Fails to run, but I can manually execute the job and it works

  • I have a database maintenance plan that backs up 2 databases every night and it has been working fine, up until 3 nights ago. I check my job statuses and it says that the job failed.

    I then execute the job manually by right clicking on it and start at step... and it runs fine. No problem.

    EDIT: I found the error message and it is being reported as:

    " failed with the following error: "A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "G:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup

    So why would it fail if it's scheduled, but running it manually works fine?

  • Maybe there are some network issues at the time that job is scheduled? (or other I/O issues)

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  • That is my current train of thought too. I've rescheduled the job for 20 mins after normal time to see if that helps.

  • Do you have any disk space monitoring? Has another backup file grown large enough to fill up the space, but is then being deleted by a cleanup script running between then and you manually running it?

    blog | napalmgram@Twitter

    Training cats makes SQL Server look easy
  • Check if there are any Anti-virus scan is scheduled to run at the same time...

  • :w00t:

    we are experiencing the following error when backing up :

    A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "" BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    Reading some posts on this forum I can see the suggestions appear to be Space issue with destination or some sort of corruption.

    We have ruled out the space issue, and we are plentiful in that.

    With the corruption, is this corruption at data record level, or at the physical file level?

    org post here[/url]

  • johnitech.itech (2/2/2012)


    we are experiencing the following error when backing up :

    A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "" BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    Reading some posts on this forum I can see the suggestions appear to be Space issue with destination or some sort of corruption.

    We have ruled out the space issue, and we are plentiful in that.

    With the corruption, is this corruption at data record level, or at the physical file level?

    org post here[/url]

    Do you get the same error if you run a manual backup to the same location? Or to a different location?

    Anything else in the SQL errorlog? have you run a checkdb recently?

    blog | napalmgram@Twitter

    Training cats makes SQL Server look easy
  • Well I moved it from 9:00pm to 9:15pm and same result.

    Then when I run it manually at about 7:30am it runs fine. No errors.

    I've got the other servers doing backups at that time too, but it's been like this for a while. So something must have suddenly changed. I'll check with the sys admin to see if they've done anything new. Just odd that this one server decides to do this and all the others are fine.

  • And now it works fine again. So... I'm confused. There must be something else running on the system that was causing the issue. Nice to know that things like that can cause such inconsistencies in the operation of a job.

  • Well, yes, It might have been some Anti-virus that runs in kernel mode and locks the files temporarily.

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