Send Mail to different domain address not working in Database Mail

  • Hi All,

    I have a SQL Server 2008 where we configured Database mail. When i try to send mail (Send Test Mail) to a individual email id it is working fine. Whereas when i send it to a Distribution List which contains collection of emails of two different groups/domains we dont get those mails to our box. Please help.

    Thanks in Advance!

  • that's going to be something you have to get with your exchange administrator to help with. it's not an issue with db_mail; you'll see the same behavior if you sent the email from a gmail or yahoo account, for example.

    typically, a distribution list is private, meaning when exchange receives a request to send to a distribution via SMTP, it gets ignored; that's an anit-spam can image how annoying if hits everyone in the company) got buried in viagra emails.

    it's usually only from internal IMAP that the email gets forwarded to all member sof the list.

    your exchange admin can make the list public so you can send to the list from SMTP.


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