Blog Post

I’ve Got A “SQLSat” In Kalamazoo


Last night I received an e-mail letting me know that I’ll be presenting at SQL Saturday #84 in Kalamazoo, MI.  Besides myself, this is shaping up to be quite an event.  The schedule of sessions and list of speakers has been published.

I’ll be presenting on the following two topics:

The Creepy DBA, How to Stalk Your Users

Do you know when your users are using the production login accounts from their workstations? Are you aware of changes being made to the development servers that may impact future deployments? Has the new Junior DBA start giving out access like candy? As DBAs, we are responsible for knowing and acting on all of this and much more. Fortunately, SQL Server provides a number of features that you can use to monitor and track user activity. In this session, we’ll look at these features and demonstrate how you can use them to the extent that your users find you creepy!

Extended Events, Work Smarter Not Harder

There are many ways to performance monitor your SQL Server environment. In this session we’ll review Extended Events, which is one of the newer SQL Server monitoring platforms. Learn the ins and outs of how to get detailed information on the errors and events that occur within SQL Server and how to dig into the information. With a few T-SQL statements, issues that could take weeks to research can be investigated in minutes.

These should be fun, informative sessions.  Both are on subjects I really enjoy and should provide a lot of insight into how you people can monitor and tune there environments more effectively.

Related posts:

  1. Twin City Code Camp 10 Is Coming
  2. Speaking At The PASS Summit
  3. Speaking at PASS DBA Virtual Chapter


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