Extracting records with the latest date

  • I need assistance in constructing a query that will extract record(s) that have the "latest date".

    For example if the latest date in the table is 3/3/11 I would like to know all records.


  • You could use something like this:

    SELECT Fields FROM dbo.MyTable

    WHERE MyDate = (SELECT MAX(MyDate) FROM dbo.MyTable);

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst

  • Sorry Andre,

    I omitted one key item in the request. I would like the max date for by a field in my table called vendor.

    The suggested query works as it returns the max date for the entire table.


  • nfpacct (10/24/2011)

    Sorry Andre,

    I omitted one key item in the request. I would like the max date for by a field in my table called vendor.

    The suggested query works as it returns the max date for the entire table.


    If you want the latest date for each of your vendors you could group them.

    I'm not sure I understood your question correctly but here it goes:

    SELECT MAX(MyDate), VendorID FROM dbo.MyTable

    GROUP BY VendorID;

    If that's not what you want could you please elaborate on your question? 🙂

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst

  • So you're looking for the last record by vendor?

    Something like this would work:


    drv.vendor, ca.dateofValue


    (SELECT DISTINCT vendor FROM Tbl) AS drv


    (SELECT TOP 1 Vendor, DateOfValue

    FROM Tbl

    WHERE Vendor = drv.Vendor

    ORDER BY DateOfValue DESC

    ) AS ca

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  • Andre thanks - I believe we are almost there. Here is more detail on the issue. I have a single table.

    Vendor# Purchases Date Item#

    A $100 1/1/2011 XYZ

    A $250 1/5/2011 * ABC

    A $500 1/5/2011 * Pens

    B $200 2/4/2011 Pencils

    B $100 2/6/2011 * paper

    C $200 3/1/2011 Pens

    C $100 3/11/2011 * paper

    C $200 3/11/2011 * Pencils

    C $300 3/11/2011 * Paper

    The desired output are the rows that have an * (asterisk). As it contains the latest date.

    Thanks you

  • nfpacct (10/24/2011)

    The desired output are the rows that have an * (asterisk). As it contains the latest date.

    Thanks you

    Ah, that helped. Try this:


    drv.vendor, ca.dateofValue


    Tbl as t


    (SELECT Vendor, Max([Date]) AS MaxDate

    FROM Tbl

    GROUP BY Vendor

    ) AS drv

    ONt.Vendor = drv.Vendor

    AND t.MaxDate = drv.MaxDate

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • Ah, I see.

    Try this:

    SELECT * FROM dbo.TblTemp AS TMP1

    INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS Date, Vendor FROM dbo.TblTemp

    GROUP BY Vendor) AS TMP2 ON TMP1.Vendor = TMP2.Vendor AND TMP1.Date = TMP2.Date

    ORDER BY TMP1.Vendor;

    [EDIT] Ha, Evil Kraig F beat me to it. 😀

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst

  • Thank you Evil Kraig and Andre the following query worked great: I do have one more request.

    I have another query that joins the below listed query which has three columns with the query that you assisted with.

    Query 1 - has the following three columns and will have Vendor as the Key field

    Vendor, Sum(Billings),Location

    *****This is the query that you suggested, which will have the "many" vendor records")****

    Query 2


    drv.vendor, ca.dateofValue


    Tbl as t


    (SELECT Vendor, Max([Date]) AS MaxDate

    FROM Tbl

    GROUP BY Vendor

    ) AS drv

    ON t.Vendor = drv.Vendor

    AND t.MaxDate = drv.MaxDate

    Thank you so much for your help


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