Time Line Question

  • The below script returns this data set.

    RowOrgID StartDateEndDate







    What I am trying to do is merge the rows where the dates are continuous. So I would wind up with

    OrgID StartDateEndDate

    1219042/4/20086/1/2008 (Row 1 by itself)

    1219048/21/20086/30/2011 (Rows 2-4)

    1219048/10/20119/21/2012 (Rows 5-6)

    There is an interruption in the service between 6/1/2008 and 8/21/2008 and then again between 6/30/2011 and 8/10/2011.

    How would I go about getting the min/max date of the three groups? I'm really having a hard time envisioning in SQL how to create the three groups. I've tried some recursive joins with CTE, but when it comes down to getting the min/max dates of the groups, I wind up with a min date of 2/4/2008 and a max date of 9/21/2012. Anyone have any ideas?

    declare @Dates table

    ([Row] int NOT NULL,

    [OrgID] varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    [StartDate] date NULL,

    [EndDate] date NULL)

    Insert into @Dates


    (1, '121904', '2/4/2008', '6/1/2008'),

    (2, '121904', '8/21/2008', '1/1/2010'),

    (3, '121904', '8/14/2009', '6/30/2010'),

    (4, '121904', '6/30/2010', '6/30/2011'),

    (5, '121904', '8/10/2011', '9/1/2012'),

    (6, '121904', '9/21/2011', '9/21/2012')

    select * from @Dates

  • adams.squared (7/23/2012)

    The below script returns this data set.

    RowOrgID StartDateEndDate







    What I am trying to do is merge the rows where the dates are continuous. So I would wind up with

    OrgID StartDateEndDate

    1219042/4/20086/1/2008 (Row 1 by itself)

    1219048/21/20086/30/2011 (Rows 2-4)

    1219048/10/20119/21/2012 (Rows 5-6)

    There is an interruption in the service between 6/1/2008 and 8/21/2008 and then again between 6/30/2011 and 8/10/2011.

    How would I go about getting the min/max date of the three groups? I'm really having a hard time envisioning in SQL how to create the three groups. I've tried some recursive joins with CTE, but when it comes down to getting the min/max dates of the groups, I wind up with a min date of 2/4/2008 and a max date of 9/21/2012. Anyone have any ideas?

    declare @Dates table

    ([Row] int NOT NULL,

    [OrgID] varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    [StartDate] date NULL,

    [EndDate] date NULL)

    Insert into @Dates


    (1, '121904', '2/4/2008', '6/1/2008'),

    (2, '121904', '8/21/2008', '1/1/2010'),

    (3, '121904', '8/14/2009', '6/30/2010'),

    (4, '121904', '6/30/2010', '6/30/2011'),

    (5, '121904', '8/10/2011', '9/1/2012'),

    (6, '121904', '9/21/2011', '9/21/2012')

    select * from @Dates

    Why is there no interuption between rows 5 and 6?

  • I think you should take a look at this article. http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/71550/[/url]

    It seems to be exactly what you are looking for.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • Lynn Pettis (7/23/2012)

    Why is there no interuption between rows 5 and 6?

    The start date on 6 is before the end date on 5, so it would be continuous.

  • adams.squared (7/23/2012)

    Lynn Pettis (7/23/2012)

    Why is there no interuption between rows 5 and 6?

    The start date on 6 is before the end date on 5, so it would be continuous.

    Okay, sorry. When I first looked at it, it looked like the end date on 5 was 2011 not 2012. That's what happens when you don't look close enough.

  • Sean Lange (7/23/2012)

    I think you should take a look at this article. http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/71550/[/url]

    It seems to be exactly what you are looking for.

    I'll mess with his logic and see if I cannot come up with something. The problem is that they are not all contiguous, even though they are continuous, such as with rows 5 and 6.

  • You need to flatten out your dates to use Jeff's methods using something similar to this code:

    declare @Dates table

    ([Row] int NOT NULL,

    [OrgID] varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    [StartDate] date NULL,

    [EndDate] date NULL)

    Insert into @Dates


    (1, '121904', '2/4/2008', '6/1/2008'),

    (2, '121904', '8/21/2008', '1/1/2010'),

    (3, '121904', '8/14/2009', '6/30/2010'),

    (4, '121904', '6/30/2010', '6/30/2011'),

    (5, '121904', '8/10/2011', '9/1/2012'),

    (6, '121904', '9/21/2011', '9/21/2012')


    AS (

    SELECT TOP 1000 rc = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM sys.all_columns


    select orgid,DATEADD(d,rc,startdate) from cte CROSS JOIN @dates

    WHERE DATEADD(d,rc,startdate) BETWEEN startdate AND enddate

    GROUP BY orgid,DATEADD(d,rc,startdate)

    Then you can apply the island's algorithm (see Jeff's page) and group on the orgid

  • Looks like I got beat to this, but I'll post what I did any ways.

    declare @Dates table(

    [Row] int NOT NULL,

    [OrgID] varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    [StartDate] date NULL,

    [EndDate] date NULL


    Insert into @Dates


    (1, '121904', '2/4/2008', '6/1/2008'),

    (2, '121904', '8/21/2008', '1/1/2010'),

    (3, '121904', '8/14/2009', '6/30/2010'),

    (4, '121904', '6/30/2010', '6/30/2011'),

    (5, '121904', '8/10/2011', '9/1/2012'),

    (6, '121904', '9/21/2011', '9/21/2012');

    select * from @Dates;


    e1(n) as (select 1 from (values (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1))dt(n)),

    e2(n) as (select 1 from e1 a cross join e1 b),

    e4(n) as (select 1 from e2 a cross join e2 b),

    tally(n) as (select 0 union all select row_number() over (order by (select null)) from e4 a cross join e2 b),

    basedata as (

    select distinct


    dateadd(dd,dt.n,StartDate) ServiceDate


    @Dates d

    cross apply (select top (datediff(dd,d.StartDate,d.EndDate) + 1) n from tally) dt(n)


    WorkingData as (




    row_number() over (partition by OrgID order by ServiceDate) as rn






    min(ServiceDate) as StartDate,

    max(ServiceDate) as EndDate



    group by


    dateadd(dd,-1 * rn, ServiceDate)

    order by


    dateadd(dd,-1 * rn, ServiceDate);

  • Impressive. Thanks. It did the trick.

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