Multiple inserts with ref. integrity within a transaction

  • Good day all;

    I have to insert data periodically which will effect multiple tables. These tables include one master table while others are child tables with primary key of master table within them. How can I make inserts into all of them while having them within one or more transactions so in case of an exception I can roll them back?



  • kazim.raza (10/11/2011)

    Good day all;

    How can I make inserts into all of them while having them within one or more transactions so in case of an exception I can roll them back?



    sounds like you need to declare an explicit transaction, and to use the OUTPUT clause to capture the new values inserted into the main table, so you can isnert them into a child table(s).

    with more details we could offer some suggestions.


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  • As Lowell mentioned, you need an explicit transaction. Start with BEGIN TRANSACTION in Books Online to get an idea of what he's referring to. OUTPUT clause will help with ID re-usage, but if it's a single row in the primary table you'll be just as good using SCOPE_INDENTITY(). If it's multi-row OUTPUT is your friend.

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  • Scope_Identity() did the trick for me, I am wondering to myself how come I missed it..


    Kazim Raza

  • As Lowell and Craig both mentioned, you must differentiate between INSERTs involving a single row (OK to use SCOPE_IDENTITY) and those involving multiple rows (cannot use SCOPE_IDENTITY). SCOPE_IDENTITY will only return one value, so you would lose the results of a multi-row INSERT.

    Here's a generic example query I keep for setting up the trapping of multi-row INSERTS using the OUTPUT clause. I can never remember the syntax of these things that I use infrequently, so it's handy for me to have this:

    --Example of using OUTPUT clause to snag the input autonumber IDs for a large INPUT statement

    --From RBarry Young at

    --Slightly modified to trap more than one field to the table variable, @IDList

    USE dev;


    --====== Make our test table to insert to

    Create Table InsertIDTst(

    ID int identity primary key

    , ColName nvarchar(255)

    , object_id int);


    --====== Make a table variable to hold the new ID's [and column names]

    Declare @IDList Table(ID int, c_name VARCHAR(100));

    --====== Insert a bunch of rows,

    -- and save the new IDs at the same time


    (ColName, object_id)

    OUTPUT Inserted.ID, Inserted.ColName Into @IDList(ID, c_name)

    SELECT name, object_id

    FROM sys.columns

    --====== Show that we have the new IDs

    SELECT * from @IDList


    DROP TABLE InsertIDTst



  • Thanks for the template, Rich. This would be very useful for me, specially, since I tend to forget the syntax.

  • Great, glad to pass on good stuff I've found useful!


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