stored procedure not receiving null value from parameter in SSRS 2008 R2 report

  • I have a question on how to pass a parameter equalling NULL to a stored procedure linked to my SSRS 2008 R2 report. The proc is used for a scheduled report version which will have a value in the parameter @rpt_schedule. The ad-hoc version of the report allows the users to put in start and end dates and therefore I programmed the script to handle a null flag for @rpt_schedule.

    In the ad-hoc report, I have created a hidden parameter and set the default to <null> . When I execute the report I get an error telling me that the script expects parameter @rpt_schedule, which was not supplied. My hidden parameter is obviously not passing a null. Any ideas on how to resolve are appreciated.

  • I think if you add = null to the parameter declaration in the stored procedure as such:

    alter procedure dbo.ProcedureBlah

    @BeginDate date = null



    it will act as a default value for your procedure param if none is supplied

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  • I am using the script for a scheduled report where I will pass in values like D below so I don't want to default it to null. Other than the code right below I have no reference to the field except the opening Alter Proc...variable.

    if @scheduled_rpt_period is not null


    if upper(@scheduled_rpt_period) = 'D'


    Shouldn't this be enough to accept the null?

  • I know this is a golden oldie, but from

    In SSRS, I was trying to pass null as the value of a parameter to a stored procedure. It seemed that no matter what I tried SSRS was using 'null' which did not work with @Parameter is null inside the stored procedure.

    I created a report parameter, called @Rs_null, with a default value of (null). I could then use that.

    (Creating a report variable was no good since I could not pass that a stored procedure parameter.)

    See also How to use stored proc with null parameters in SSRS?

  • If your report were not running when you failed to supply a value for a given parameter, then you would need to be sure that the parameter properties ALLOW a NULL value to be specified, even if the parameter is hidden.   As one poster suggested, providing a default value of NULL in the stored procedure can be more flexible.   One can also use "blank" values (aka empty strings) and in the stored procedure, use SET @ParamName = NULLIF(@ParamName, ''); as a means to NULL it out if blank, and of course, one would then have to "allow blanks" for that parameter.   I suspect that folks figured that out 6 years ago, but just moved on from the thread without posting back the eventual solution.

  • Also, if your procedure was not actually receiving that NULL parameter value, it could ONLY be because you didn't set up the dataset to use the parameter, hidden or otherwise.

  • My stored procedure was not receiving a null value from SSRS. NULL was specified on the sp parameter definition. Allow Nulls was specified for the sp parameter in SSRS. I put a trap to check for the param not being null (essentially If @param is not null begin raiserror ... Return end)The trap kept firing until I changed SSRS as I described. Roy

  • Roy Latham - Wednesday, August 15, 2018 11:41 AM

    My stored procedure was not receiving a null value from SSRS. NULL was specified on the sp parameter definition. Allow Nulls was specified for the sp parameter in SARS. I put a trap to check for the param not being null (essentially If @param is not null begin raiserror ... Return end)The trap kept firing until I changed SSRS as I described. Roy

    Oh, okay... I think I know what was happening.   The code in SSRS often needs to have the word Nothing used in order to represent a NULL value.   There are some cases where Null is acceptable, but often that requires a pair of parentheses.   It might have just been the way that NULL was being specified.

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