Query taking long time when using parameter

  • I have a query which takes a parameter. If a parameter is passed. the query takes 11 minutes to complete whereas if you give the values directly it takes 7 seconds to execute, Is there any solution to it. I checked the execution plan of both queries and they both are different.

    The below query takes 11 minutes to execute

    Declare @Date as int

    Set @Date = 3

    Select * from TempTable where correct_date between (GETDATE()-@day) and GETDATE()

    whereas this one takes 7 seconds to complete.

    Select * from TempTable where correct_date between (GETDATE()-3) and GETDATE()

  • did you compare both sqlplans ?

    how old is the cached plan for the parameterized query ?

    ( you can add the .sqlplan as attachment with your reply )

    have you checked with statistics IO for physical IO ( so both queries actually run in the same conditions )


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  • Sanz (3/29/2012)

    I have a query which takes a parameter. If a parameter is passed. the query takes 11 minutes to complete whereas if you give the values directly it takes 7 seconds to execute, Is there any solution to it. I checked the execution plan of both queries and they both are different.

    The below query takes 11 minutes to execute

    Declare @Date as int

    Set @Date = 3

    Select * from TempTable where correct_date between (GETDATE()-@day) and GETDATE()

    whereas this one takes 7 seconds to complete.

    Select * from TempTable where correct_date between (GETDATE()-3) and GETDATE()

    That first one won't even syntax check. Is @Day declared somewhere else not shown and maybe doesn't have what you think is in it?

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 5

    Must declare the scalar variable "@day".

  • You may want to try to see if this runs any faster:

    Declare @Date as int

    Set @Date = 3

    Select * from TempTable where correct_date between DATEADD(day,-@date,GETDATE()) and GETDATE()


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  • Try adjusting for parameter sniffing.

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