Shared Data Source Name error when running uploaded rdl

  • The name of our shared data source in RS (report server) is "AF1 Live Database" (no underscore characters - just spaces between words) and is the same in report builder in VS. However, the following error pops up when the RDL of this report is uploaded onto our company site and run.

    (error we are receiving...)

    The report server cannot process the report or shared dataset. The shared data source 'AF1_Live_Database' for the report server or SharePoint site is not valid. Browse to the server or site and select a shared data source. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)

    We have no idea why the error reports the shared data source as 'AF1_Live_Database' with underscore characters? As this appears to be the problem that keeps the report from running we are seeking your help, thanks.

  • The Datasource name in the Report Server does not accept space while calling the datasource.

    Suggestion is to give a name of the datasource as eg: "ds_datasourcename" insted of "ds datasourcename"

    It should work fine.

  • fwiw - it doesn't like dashes ( - ) either

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