Blog Post

SQLRally–Don’t Forget Your Business Cards?


SQLRally Winner[11]

SQLRally is a week away.  Are you ready?  It’s going to be a good time to learn and freshen up your SQL Server skills.  You’ve probably looked at the schedule and picked out a few sessions that are a must see.


But are you prepared to take advantage of the opportunity to network with your peers?  Do you have business cards printed and ready to handout?  This is a important aspect of any networking event.  You will likely meet many new people while at SQLRally and a business card is a good way to help prevent people from forgetting they met you.

Why is the networking aspect so important?  Who are these other people at SQLRally that you’ll want to possibly connect with in the future?  They could be your new boss, new employee, or the guy (or gal) with the answer to the problem that is interfering with your weekend.  Which ever they are – they will also be a new friend.  That new friend may not seem like much – but you won’t know if you don’t network. 


In hopes to inspire people to get out and network, and to make it a little easier for me to network, I’m going to run a little contest while I am at SQLRally.  It’ll be pretty simple – find me, meet me, and exchange business cards with me.  On Friday afternoon, I’ll draw one of the cards and that person will get my copy of the 2010 PASS Summit DVDs.

Oh, and if you are still on the fence to going or not… Come on!  Shake a leg!  Get registered!  Tell your boss, if the company will cover admission that you will cover travel costs.  Go with a cheap hotel and a drive down and you can probably get your half of the costs down to a couple hundred dollars.  It’s going to be a good time down there.

Related posts:

  1. 5-Weeks to PASS Summit 2010 Countdown
  2. Last Call SQLRally Call for Presenters
  3. I Got Registered!


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