How to display months across like crosstab?

  • I need to display Sales data by month.



    So I used Month function and hardcoded like

    Month(SalesDate) =1 THEN Sales AS Jan

    Month(SalesDate) =2 THEN Sales AS Feb


    Month(Salesdate)=12 THEN Sales AS Dec

    But when years overlap like if I run for 2011/11/01 to 2012/01/31 then it displays Jan first and then Nov and Dec.



    But I need Nov, Dec and then Jan. So can somebody help me?



  • Best place to start would be the first link in my signature.


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  • I attached the code below. In the results you can see jan coming first, but i need it to last as it is from 2012.

    CREATE TABLE #Sales (SalesDate smalldatetime,Customer int,Sales decimal(20,4))

    INSERT INTO #Sales Values ('2011/11/01',1,10)

    INSERT INTO #Sales Values ('2011/12/01',2,20)

    INSERT INTO #Sales Values ('2012/01/10',3,10)



    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)=1 THEN SALES ELSE 0 END) AS Jan, -- Till October



    FROM #Sales

    GROUP BY Customer

    DROP TABLE #Sales

  • not sure if this is what you are really asking for....maybe something more dynamic perhaps

    but this answers your question 🙂

    CREATE TABLE #Sales (SalesDate smalldatetime,Customer int,Sales decimal(20,4))

    INSERT INTO #Sales Values ('2011/11/01',1,10)

    INSERT INTO #Sales Values ('2011/12/01',2,20)

    INSERT INTO #Sales Values ('2012/01/10',3,10)






    FROM #Sales

    GROUP BY Customer

    DROP TABLE #Sales

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • I just gave an example. The months might be changing. So i was looking any dynamically arranging it.

  • Shree-903371 (3/2/2012)

    I just gave an example. The months might be changing. So i was looking any dynamically arranging it.

    Hehe...thought so, sorry.

    anyways....please read this post/thread.... by Jeff Moden

    will give you some great ideas.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • The problem is we are not allowed to use open queries in out campany.

  • Shree-903371 (3/2/2012)

    The problem is we are not allowed to use open queries in out campany.

    What do you mean by "open queries"??? Do you mean "dynamic SQL"? If so, then you're pretty much stuck because I don't know of a way to achieve your request without the use of dynamic SQL.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Shree-903371 (3/2/2012)

    The problem is we are not allowed to use open queries in out campany.

    does the following give any more ideas?

    USE [tempdb]


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Sales]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[Sales]


    CREATE TABLE Sales (SalesDate datetime,Customer int,SalesQTY decimal(12,2))

    INSERT INTO Sales Values ('2012/02/01',1,10)

    INSERT INTO Sales Values ('2012/01/01',2,20)

    INSERT INTO Sales Values ('2011/12/10',3,50)

    INSERT INTO Sales Values ('2012/02/11',1,100)

    INSERT INTO Sales Values ('2012/01/11',6,20)

    INSERT INTO Sales Values ('2011/12/15',3,20)

    --=== the following "assumes" that we are going to find the earliest month for which we have data

    -- and then builds the next months in date order

    DECLARE @month1 datetime

    DECLARE @month2 datetime

    DECLARE @month3 datetime

    SET @month1 = (select dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, (SELECT (MIN(SalesDate)) FROM Sales)), 0))

    SET @month2 = (select dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, @month1) + 1, 0))

    SET @month3 = (select dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, @month2) + 1, 0))

    --=== repeat as required

    --=== the following is simple SUM/CASE based on the month number...previously defined in variables

    -- THIS IS BASED ON MAX NO OF 12 MONTHS DATA ...we are matching on MONTH



    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)= MONTH(@month1) THEN SalesQTY ELSE 0 END) as m1 ,

    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)= MONTH(@month2) THEN SalesQTY ELSE 0 END) as m2 ,

    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)= MONTH(@month3) THEN SalesQTY ELSE 0 END) as m3

    --=== repeat as required ....max 12 mths cos we are matching on MONTH

    FROM Sales

    GROUP BY Customer

    ---=== the following can be omitted if descriptive columns are not required

    -- inserts into a temp table to allow us to rename the column neaders correctly....are you allowed to use "EXEC sp_rename" ?

    DECLARE @m1desc VARCHAR(8)

    DECLARE @m2desc VARCHAR(8)

    DECLARE @m3desc VARCHAR(8)

    SET @m1desc = (SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(11),@month1,106),8))

    SET @m2desc = (SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(11),@month2,106),8))

    SET @m3desc = (SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(11),@month3,106),8))



    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)= MONTH(@month1) THEN SalesQTY ELSE 0 END) as m1 ,

    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)= MONTH(@month2) THEN SalesQTY ELSE 0 END) as m2 ,

    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(SalesDate)= MONTH(@month3) THEN SalesQTY ELSE 0 END) as m3

    INTO #tmpresults

    FROM Sales

    GROUP BY Customer

    EXEC sp_rename '#tmpResults.M1', @m1desc, 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename '#tmpResults.M2', @m2desc, 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename '#tmpResults.M3', @m3desc, 'COLUMN'

    SELECT * FROM #tmpresults

    DROP TABLE #tmpresults

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • You need to use the PIVOT command. It is bit tough but read up on it and it will work. I have done it

    use a query which will get your results in a table month by month

    Then Pivot it

    To use consecutive cascading Querries you need to understand the WITH comand

    if you have look at both these topics you will pick it up

    if you need more help post it here and I will answer

  • siva 20997 (3/3/2012)

    You need to use the PIVOT command. It is bit tough but read up on it and it will work. I have done it

    use a query which will get your results in a table month by month

    Then Pivot it

    To use consecutive cascading Querries you need to understand the WITH comand

    if you have look at both these topics you will pick it up

    if you need more help post it here and I will answer

    That's nice. Since the OP said the company won't allow for dymnamic or "open" SQL, how would you name the columns correctly for the floating window of data they want?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • The reply to the original question will be long and hard to understand once done

    hence I just touched upon the subjects which is needed to be understood to undertand the solution

    Since it is quite a big complicated query I will put the whole query in a Strored procedure and return a result set

    The parameter to Sp will specify the starting Date and ending Date. I usually do 12 or 24 months

    I also have Calendar Table. This is so usefull in all aplications I have this as a standard. There is discussion thread on that in this forum

    So the steps involved in the Stored procedure are as follows

    1) select all the rows grouped by Customer and month and the value. you can pick up the month name from the Calendar table after joing it on Date instead of Month Function. easier and faster for grouping etc

    2) Then Pivot the results from 1 above

    to get the results from 1 in to 2 need to use Common Table Expression, which start with the reserved word WITH

    I didnt want to cut and paste my code because it will be difficult to explain but once these are understood maybe

  • siva 20997 (3/3/2012)

    The reply to the original question will be long and hard to understand once done

    hence I just touched upon the subjects which is needed to be understood to undertand the solution

    Since it is quite a big complicated query I will put the whole query in a Strored procedure and return a result set

    The parameter to Sp will specify the starting Date and ending Date. I usually do 12 or 24 months

    I also have Calendar Table. This is so usefull in all aplications I have this as a standard. There is discussion thread on that in this forum

    So the steps involved in the Stored procedure are as follows

    1) select all the rows grouped by Customer and month and the value. you can pick up the month name from the Calendar table after joing it on Date instead of Month Function. easier and faster for grouping etc

    2) Then Pivot the results from 1 above

    to get the results from 1 in to 2 need to use Common Table Expression, which start with the reserved word WITH

    I didnt want to cut and paste my code because it will be difficult to explain but once these are understood maybe

    Hi Siva

    would you care to share your code please?

    I am always looking out for better ways to improve my exg code....what the OP asked for is a common request for me....I currently use dynamic SQL to deliver such requests, but am keen to understand your method and compare.

    many thanks

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Ok I will do that but even to hash job of it will take some time. So I will do it tomorrow but still the answer would be quite long and might be difficult do it with in here to do it justice. But I will post it first and then we will see

  • ? I think I don't get it? But isn't this simply answered by no longer specifying the columns names as 'Jan', 'Feb', etc, but simply label the columns something like 'last month', 'the month before that', '2 months back', '3 months back', etc? Then use a cross tab to get the values for those periods?

    Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Hidden RBAR - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Cross Tabs and Pivots - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Catch-all queries - Gail Shaw[/url]

    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

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