Virtual server

  • Hello,

    recently one of the servers have been migrated to virtual server with same configuration.

    now the performance is slightly slow particularly in reporting services.

    will the virtual conversion causing the problem or the around 100 more reports has been added which has reduced the performance.

    suggestion pls

    Durai Nagarajan

  • Define slightly slow ? Have you benchmarked the performance before and after the migration.

    Are you sure the configuration is the same.

    In theory a virtual server ( btw which one are you using) allows you to take advantage of underutilized CPU and RAM already present on the hardware.

    If you were already were utilizing the hardware then migrating to a virtual server doesn't really help.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • we have already 3-4 virtual servers in same hardware. but it takes the load perfectly without too much delay.

    Only Report upload and access configurations earlier was around 5 seconds now it is taking more than 10 seconds for each process.

    i dont have access to windows, but server configuration was confirmed by Server team. i too slightly confirmed using SQL server properties(same no of processors and RAM).

    Virtual server is in SAN and optical network fiber. hope this data helps.

    Durai Nagarajan

  • are u using 64 bit or 32 bit , check sql server properties, other than the migration to virtual server have you changed anything else.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • 32 bit ,no changes, hardware changes like disk size may be.

    Durai Nagarajan

  • durai nagarajan (2/29/2012)

    same no of processors and RAM

    how many cpus how much RAM?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Check if u have enabled AWE. Have your tried running perfmon? what are the results?

    If you can provide details ( specific numbers ) it will be more helpful

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • hello,

    2 CPU and 8 GB RAM.

    AWE is not enabled currently, can i know what will it do?

    Durai Nagarajan

  • AWE will allow the server to use more than the 32-bit limit of about 4GB. Is there a reason they installed 32-bit over 64-bit? With 64-bit, you wouldn't need to use AWE.

  • No special reasons.

    can you elobrate what is the effects of AWE and is there any negative impact?.

    will server restart or service restart is needed?.

    i have rough idea as it will use the memorey between min and max already set.

    Durai Nagarajan

  • Yes, the service will need to be restarted.

    AWE from 2005 Books Online:

  • durai nagarajan (3/2/2012)

    No special reasons.

    can you elobrate what is the effects of AWE and is there any negative impact?.

    will server restart or service restart is needed?.

    i have rough idea as it will use the memorey between min and max already set.

    When applying AWE to a 32 bit server you have to apply the lock pages in memory local policy to, this requires a server restart.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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