SSRS 2005 visibility issue

  • I was using SSRS 2005, and not got the sum of the desired result? I attached sample of the Filed I was looking to sum up?

    Here is the detail SUM(daily), SUM(Weekly), SUM(Monthly)

    My hidden expression was =IIF(Sum(Fields! daily.Value) + Sum(Fields!weekly.Value)

    = 0, True, False)

    Here is I stack on? SUM(daily.Value), SUM(weekly.Value) this Filds Sum exactly the visable value, But SUM(Monthly) gives me the visible +Hidden sum?

    I tried to drag new text in the SUM(Monthly) and write the expression

    * =SUM(IIF(Fields! daily.Value+ Fields!weekly.Value=0,0, Fields!Monthly.Value))

    *or=IIF(Sum(Fields! daily.Value) + Sum(Fields!weekly.Value)

    = 0,0,SUM(Fields!Monthly.Value)) gives me visible +Hidden sum

    Also changed visibility of Monthly header? But still sum visible +Hidden?

    Any feed back?


  • I don't as a rule open word documents from the web because I don't trust antivirus software to do its job that I paid perfectly good money to them to do, but doesn't sum keep summing whether the source data is being displayed or not? Apologies if I'm completely missing the point!

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