SQL Grouping Data

  • Hi,

    I am trying to get the invoice data from the invoice_head table(single row) with the invoice_lines(purchase orders) on certain conditions.

    The where is fine but SQL doesn't like binding any of the invoice_lines columns.Which why I have tried putting in a nested select statement.

    SELECT TOP 1 h.Invoice_id AS Invoice_Id, h.IssueDate AS [Invoice Date], h.Optional_1 AS [Division Buyer],

    h.ScanDate AS ScanDate],h.Supplier AS [Supplier/Vendor], h.Optional_2 AS [PO Number],

    h.InvoiceNumber AS [Invoice Number], h.Rejected, h.Completed AS [Transaction Date],

    h.Notified,h.Comments, h.Transferred, h.Optional_3 AS [Invoice Type],h.InvoiceTotal AS [Total Invoice Amount],

    h.Optional_4 AS TFN, h.Optional_5 AS Orginator, h.Amount_1 AS [GST Total Amount],

    h.Responsible,h.IsCredit AS [Credit Note], h.Currency, h.PaymentDate AS [BCC Upload Date1],

    h.Optional_7 AS [Supplier Code]


    Invoice_head h,Companies


    (SELECT l.Invoice_id, l.Account AS [Account Code], l.Optional_6 AS [Job Number],

    l.Optional_8 AS [Cost Type Code], l.Department AS [Department Code],

    l.Optional_7 AS[EmployeeCode],l.Optional_1 AS [Product Code], l.Optional_9 AS [Campaign Code],

    l.Optional_10 AS Optional,l.LineText AS Description, l.Approver AS [Completed By],

    l.Optional_3 AS [Division Code],l.ApproveDate AS [BCC Upload Date], l.Optional_5 AS [Client Code],

    l.Responsible AS [Previous Approvers],l.Remarks, l.Amount_2 AS [Total Excl GST], l.Amount_3 AS GST,

    l.LineTotal AS [Total Inc GST]




    Invoice_id) l

    ON h.invoice_id = l.invoice_id

    WHERE (companies.company_id = 44)AND (Invoice_lines..Invoice_id ='135291') AND (invoice_lines.ApproveDate >= (CASE WHEN datepart(dw, getdate()) = 2 THEN (getdate() - 3) ELSE (getdate() - 1)END))

    GROUP BY h.invoice_id

    ERROR: Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1The multi-part identifier "l.Invoice_id" could not be bound. etc...

  • This might be "Concatenating values when the number of items is not known" never done that before.

  • Hi,

    You can use the Alias "l" in the main query. not in the the subquery. just replace the "l." from the inner query. It will be okay.

    Hope this helps.


  • If your not using aggregate every column in the select list needs to be part of the group by statement else you will face an error similar to

    Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'dbo.tablename.columnname ' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Aggregate function error at your subquery.

    Remember if you are using group by, you must have all columns in the select clause :-).

  • Query from original post reformatted:


    h.Invoice_id AS Invoice_Id,

    h.IssueDate AS [Invoice Date],

    h.Optional_1 AS [Division Buyer],

    h.ScanDate AS ScanDate],

    h.Supplier AS [Supplier/Vendor],

    h.Optional_2 AS [PO Number],

    h.InvoiceNumber AS [Invoice Number],


    h.Completed AS [Transaction Date],




    h.Optional_3 AS [Invoice Type],

    h.InvoiceTotal AS [Total Invoice Amount],

    h.Optional_4 AS TFN,

    h.Optional_5 AS Orginator,

    h.Amount_1 AS [GST Total Amount],


    h.IsCredit AS [Credit Note],


    h.PaymentDate AS [BCC Upload Date1],

    h.Optional_7 AS [Supplier Code]

    FROM Invoice_head h, Companies

    INNER JOIN (SELECT l.Invoice_id,

    l.Account AS [Account Code],

    l.Optional_6 AS [Job Number],

    l.Optional_8 AS [Cost Type Code],

    l.Department AS [Department Code],

    l.Optional_7 AS [EmployeeCode],

    l.Optional_1 AS [Product Code],

    l.Optional_9 AS [Campaign Code],

    l.Optional_10 AS Optional,

    l.LineText AS Description,

    l.Approver AS [Completed By],

    l.Optional_3 AS [Division Code],

    l.ApproveDate AS [BCC Upload Date],

    l.Optional_5 AS [Client Code],

    l.Responsible AS [Previous Approvers],


    l.Amount_2 AS [Total Excl GST],

    l.Amount_3 AS GST,

    l.LineTotal AS [Total Inc GST]

    FROM Invoice_lines

    GROUP BY Invoice_id) l ON h.invoice_id = l.invoice_id

    WHERE (companies.company_id = 44)

    AND (Invoice_lines..Invoice_id ='135291')

    AND (invoice_lines.ApproveDate >= (CASE WHEN datepart(dw, getdate()) = 2 THEN (getdate() - 3) ELSE (getdate() - 1)END))

    GROUP BY h.invoice_id

    The bolded part of the FROM clause below equates to a CROSS JOIN. Are you sure that's what you want?

    h.Optional_7 AS [Supplier Code]

    FROM Invoice_head h, Companies

    INNER JOIN (SELECT l.Invoice_id,

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I was trying to avoid putting everything in the group by, which why i put the invoice_lines columns in a nested select. I orginally had it with the invoice_head columns select.

    Can you suggest a better way?

  • No I don't want a cross join I was only trying to reference the companies table as it is used in the lower join.

    SELECT h.Invoice_id AS Invoice_Id,

    h.IssueDate AS [Invoice Date],

    h.Optional_1 AS [Division Buyer],

    h.ScanDate AS [Scan Date],

    h.Supplier AS [Supplier/Vendor],

    h.Optional_2 AS [PO Number],

    h.InvoiceNumber AS [Invoice Number],


    h.Completed AS [Transaction Date],




    h.Optional_3 AS [Invoice Type],

    h.InvoiceTotal AS [Total Invoice Amount],

    h.Optional_4 AS TFN,

    h.Optional_5 AS Orginator,

    h.Amount_1 AS [GST Total Amount],


    h.IsCredit AS [Credit Note],

    h.Currency, h.PaymentDate AS [BCC Upload Date1],

    h.Optional_7 AS [Supplier Code]


    Invoice_head h, Companies




    l.Account AS [Account Code],

    l.Optional_6 AS [Job Number],

    l.Optional_8 AS [Cost Type Code],

    l.Department AS [Department Code],

    l.Optional_7 AS [Employee Code],

    l.Optional_1 AS [Product Code],

    l.Optional_9 AS [Campaign Code],

    l.Optional_10 AS Optional,

    l.LineText AS Description,

    l.Approver AS [Completed By],

    l.Optional_3 AS [Division Code],

    l.ApproveDate AS [BCC Upload Date],

    l.Optional_5 AS [Client Code],

    l.Responsible AS [Previous Approvers],


    l.Amount_2 AS [Total Excl GST],

    l.Amount_3 AS GST,

    l.LineTotal AS [Total Inc GST]




    Invoice_id) l


    h.invoice_id = l.invoice_id


    companies ON h.company_id = companies.company_id AND h.Optional_1 = companies.companyname

    WHERE (companies.company_id = 44)AND (l.Invoice_id ='135291') AND (l.ApproveDate >= (CASE WHEN datepart(dw, getdate()) = 2 THEN (getdate() - 3) ELSE (getdate() - 1)


    Order By invoice_head.invoice_id

  • It may make a difference...

    Where will the result set of this query be used? In a reporting tool? In a GUI? or ???

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (7/5/2011)

    It may make a difference...

    Where will the result set of this query be used? In a reporting tool? In a GUI? or ???

    I am trying to write a SQL statement for a package I have designed, which will then be added to a schedulded job. This is the final bit everything else works. I some how need to get the unique invoice_head(invoice_id) with it's invoice_lines(purchase orders), though not every invoice has purchase orders 🙂

    Thanks for trying to help everyone.

    A rough example of what I am expecting;

    Invoice_head, invoice_id col2 col 3 col4 etc... Invoice_line, col1 col2 col3 col4.....

    ...................1234, 01072011, acme pty, jones, PO1, 01112011, acme pty, smith

    ................................................................. PO2, 01112011, harrys pty, williams

    ..................................................................PO3, 01112011, zenith pty, kate

    ....................11221,01072011, starcom pty, ian,PO1, 01072011, SS pty, jones

    So invoice 1234 has one row for invoice_head columns and 1 or more rows for invoice_lines\purchase orders columns. Though invoice 11221 doesn't have any extra PO's.

    Hopefully someone can help becuase i don't know.

  • Why would you want to avoid columns in the Group by clause , btw you could also you Select distinct.

    I know there is a difference in performance based on the volumes but cant remember what right now.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • ringovski (7/5/2011)

    Jeff Moden (7/5/2011)

    It may make a difference...

    Where will the result set of this query be used? In a reporting tool? In a GUI? or ???

    I am trying to write a SQL statement for a package I have designed, which will then be added to a schedulded job. This is the final bit everything else works. I some how need to get the unique invoice_head(invoice_id) with it's invoice_lines(purchase orders), though not every invoice has purchase orders 🙂

    Thanks for trying to help everyone.

    A rough example of what I am expecting;

    Invoice_head, invoice_id col2 col 3 col4 etc... Invoice_line, col1 col2 col3 col4.....

    ...................1234, 01072011, acme pty, jones, PO1, 01112011, acme pty, smith

    ................................................................. PO2, 01112011, harrys pty, williams

    ..................................................................PO3, 01112011, zenith pty, kate

    ....................11221,01072011, starcom pty, ian,PO1, 01072011, SS pty, jones

    So invoice 1234 has one row for invoice_head columns and 1 or more rows for invoice_lines\purchase orders columns. Though invoice 11221 doesn't have any extra PO's.

    Hopefully someone can help becuase i don't know.

    This sounds like a classic use of a LEFT JOIN. I am not keen on writing code against thin air, it tends to come back to haunt me, so if you would be so kind as to provide some DDL, DML to create sample data and your expected results I am sure I can assist you in developing something that will work for you.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • At a guess...

    WITH cte (Invoice_id, IssueDate, Account, ApproveDate, RowId)

    AS (SELECT h.Invoice_id, h.IssueDate, l.Account, l.ApproveDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY h.Invoice_id ORDER BY h.Invoice_id ASC)

    FROM Companies c

    JOIN Invoice_head h ON h.company_id = c.company_id

    JOIN Invoice_lines l ON l.invoice_id = h.invoice_id

    WHERE (c.company_id = 44)

    AND (l.Invoice_id ='135291')

    AND (l.ApproveDate >= (CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw, GETDATE()) = 2 THEN (GETDATE() - 3) ELSE (GETDATE() - 1) END)))

    SELECT CASE WHEN RowId=1 THEN CAST(Invoice_id as varchar(20)) ELSE '' END) AS [Invoice_id],

    CASE WHEN RowId=1 THEN CAST(IssueDate as varchar(20)) ELSE '' END) AS [IssueDate],

    Account, ApproveDate

    FROM cte

    ORDER BY Invoice_id ASC

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Here is David's code with a couple syntax errors removed and then reformatted:

    WITH cte ( Invoice_id, IssueDate, Account, ApproveDate, RowId )

    AS (

    SELECT h.Invoice_id,




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY h.Invoice_id ORDER BY h.Invoice_id ASC )

    FROM Companies c

    JOIN Invoice_head h ON h.company_id = c.company_id

    JOIN Invoice_lines l ON l.invoice_id = h.invoice_id

    WHERE ( c.company_id = 44 )

    AND ( l.Invoice_id = '135291' )

    AND ( l.ApproveDate >= ( CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw, GETDATE()) = 2 THEN ( GETDATE() - 3 )

    ELSE ( GETDATE() - 1 )

    END ) )



    ELSE ''

    END AS [Invoice_id],

    CASE WHEN RowId = 1 THEN CAST(IssueDate AS VARCHAR(20))

    ELSE ''

    END AS [IssueDate],



    FROM cte

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (7/6/2011)

    ringovski (7/5/2011)

    Jeff Moden (7/5/2011)

    It may make a difference...

    Where will the result set of this query be used? In a reporting tool? In a GUI? or ???

    I am trying to write a SQL statement for a package I have designed, which will then be added to a schedulded job. This is the final bit everything else works. I some how need to get the unique invoice_head(invoice_id) with it's invoice_lines(purchase orders), though not every invoice has purchase orders 🙂

    Thanks for trying to help everyone.

    A rough example of what I am expecting;

    Invoice_head, invoice_id col2 col 3 col4 etc... Invoice_line, col1 col2 col3 col4.....

    ...................1234, 01072011, acme pty, jones, PO1, 01112011, acme pty, smith

    ................................................................. PO2, 01112011, harrys pty, williams

    ..................................................................PO3, 01112011, zenith pty, kate

    ....................11221,01072011, starcom pty, ian,PO1, 01072011, SS pty, jones

    So invoice 1234 has one row for invoice_head columns and 1 or more rows for invoice_lines\purchase orders columns. Though invoice 11221 doesn't have any extra PO's.

    Hopefully someone can help becuase i don't know.

    This sounds like a classic use of a LEFT JOIN. I am not keen on writing code against thin air, it tends to come back to haunt me, so if you would be so kind as to provide some DDL, DML to create sample data and your expected results I am sure I can assist you in developing something that will work for you.

    Not sure you mean by DDL & DML, but here are the table specs.

    Table Invoice_Head

    Invoice_idPK, int, not null

    IssueDatedatetime, null

    PaymentDatedatetime, null

    ScanDatedatetime, null

    Supplier nvarchar(50), null

    InvoiceNumbernvarchar(100), null

    InvoiceTotalFloat, null

    Imagelocationnvarchar(500), null

    Responsibleint, null

    Rejected datetime, null

    AssignmentDatedatetime, null

    Commentsnvarchar(500), null

    Completeddatetime, null

    Notified datetime, null

    Transferreddatetime, null

    Optional_1nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_2nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_3nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_4nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_5nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_6nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_7nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_8nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_9nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_10nvarchar(50), null

    Amount_1Float, null

    Amount_2Float, null

    Amount_3Float, null

    Amount_4Float, null

    Currency nchar3, not null

    IsCredit bit, not null

    Company_idint, null

    Table Invoice Lines

    Invoice_idPK, INT, Not Null

    Line_id PK, INT, Not Null

    Sub_id INT, Not Null

    Account nvarchar(50), null

    Departmentnvarchar(50), null

    Type nvarchar(50), null

    Responsiblenvarchar(50), null

    Quantity Float, null

    Remarks nvarchar(400), null

    Line Text nvarchar(200), null

    Line TotalFloat, null

    Optional_1nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_2nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_3nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_4nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_5nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_6nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_7nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_8nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_9nvarchar(50), null

    Optional_10nvarchar(50), null

    Amount_1Float, null

    Amount_2Float, null

    Amount_3Float, null

    Amount_4Float, null

    Approver nvarchar(200), null

    ApproveDatedatetime, null

    Notified datetime, null

    AssignmentDatedatetime, null

    Table Companies

    Company_idPK, int, not null

    companynamenvarchar(200), null

    contactnamenvarchar(200), null

    contactitlenvarchar(200), null

    address nvarchar(200), null

    city nvarchar(200), null

    region nvarchar(200), null

    postalcodenvarchar(200), null

    country nvarchar(200), null

    phone nvarchar(200), null

    fax nvarchar(200), null

    homepagenvarchar(200), null

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