Ceate a Table from inside view

  • I am writing a query for a view which creates some tables from inside the view and then use them table in the query and finally drop them at the end. I keep getting an error saying "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Create'.

    Here is my query:

    Create table statuss(surveyInstanceID int, answered int, outOf int, [percent] numeric(15,2), isActive bit, designation varchar(50), siteOrdinal bigint)

    Insert Into statuss(surveyInstanceID, answered, outOf, [percent], isActive, designation, siteOrdinal)

    SELECT surveyInstanceID, answered = sum(answered), outOf = count(*), [percent] = cast(

    sum(answered)* 100.0 / count(*) AS numeric(15, 2)), isActive,

    designation, siteOrdinal

    FROM (SELECT si.surveyInstanceID, cqr.questionID, answered = CASE WHEN sf.answerNumeric IS NULL AND (sf.answerText IS NULL OR

    rtrim(sf.answerText) = '') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, ordinal = rank() OVER (partition BY sf.surveyInstanceID, sf.questionID

    ORDER BY sf.answeredDate DESC), si.isActive, designation = sd.name, siteOrdinal = row_number() OVER (partition BY si.forSite_OrganizationID,


    ORDER BY si.dateStarted, sf.answeredDate DESC)

    FROM svCategoryQuestionRisk cqr JOIN

    surveyInstance si ON cqr.surveyVersionID = si.surveyVersionID JOIN

    surveyFilled sf ON si.surveyInstanceID = sf.surveyInstanceID AND cqr.questionID = sf.questionID JOIN

    surveyCategoryHierarchy ch ON ch.child_categoryid = cqr.categoryId AND ch.surveyVersionID = cqr.surveyVersionID JOIN

    surveyDesignation sd ON si.surveyDesignationID = sd.surveyDesignationID) A

    WHERE ordinal = 1

    GROUP BY surveyInstanceID, isActive, designation, siteOrdinal

    Create Table ccRisk(ID int, type varchar(8), surveyInstanceID int, surveyVersionID int)

    Insert Into ccRisk(ID, type, surveyInstanceID, surveyVersionID)

    Select cc.ID, cc.type, cc.surveyInstanceID, cc.surveyVersionID

    from categoryColsQuestionLORALL cc, statuss ss

    Where cc.type = 'Category' and cc.surveyInstanceID = ss.surveyInstanceID

    CREATE TABLE theseQuestions(questionID int)

    Insert Into


    select distinct sf.questionID

    from surveyFilled sf

    inner join svCategoryQuestionRisk svr on sf.questionID = svr.questionID

    inner join ccRisk cc on svr.categoryID = cc.ID

    inner join vw_surveyCategoryHierarchyFlat fl on cc.ID = fl.categoryID

    and ( fl.fullPath like '%>67>%' or fl.fullPath like '%>67')

    and cc.surveyInstanceID = sf.surveyInstanceID

    and fl.surveyVersionID = cc.surveyVersionID

    select ss.*,

    (select thisAnswer = dbo.LowerArgument(100, cast(ss.[percent] + ((24 - dbo.LowerArgument




    sff.answerNumeric IS NULL AND (sff.answerText IS NULL OR

    rtrim(sff.answerText) = '')

    THEN 0 ELSE 1 END), 24)) * 100.0 / ss.outOf) AS numeric(15, 2)))

    from surveyFilled sff

    INNER JOIN theseQuestions tq ON sff.questionID = tq.questionID

    where sff.surveyInstanceID = ss.surveyInstanceID) AS newPercent

    FROM statuss ss

    DROP TABLE theseQuestions

    DROP TABLE ccRisk

    DROP TABLE statuss

    This query runs perfect when I run it but cannot save it in a view. So if somebody can help m eout here.

    P.S.: I tried using temp tables as I drop them at the end, but then temp tables are not allowed inside a view.


    Ratandeep Gupta

  • The only thing a VIEW can contain is a SELECT statement. What you want is a stored procedure. Or, if you change your concrete tables to table variables you could use a Multi-statement table-valued function for this.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hello, Thanks for the reply. Can you give me an example of how to use Multi-statement table valued function.



  • seftest_09 (6/27/2011)

    Hello, Thanks for the reply. Can you give me an example of how to use Multi-statement table valued function.



    The function ufnGetContactInformation in this Books Online article is a mTVF (Multi-statement table valued function):


    Note that you will have to convert the temp tables in your example to table variables to put your code in a mTVF.

    Also note that mTVFs can be terribly slow when used as concrete tables in joins...a generally better performing option is a stored procedure. You can redirect the results of a stored proc into a temp table using the INSERT...EXEC construct, and then join to the temp table.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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