Maintenance plan created but lost after one week

  • Can't believe this happened to me:

    On Mar 26, I can still see the maintenance plan, I even created a screenshot for my document. The plan is scheduled to run on every weekend.

    Today (April 2), the plan is mysteriously gone!!!

    What could I possibly find out any trace on this? I read the errorlog, no findings.

    I don't believe anyone could hack into our environment especially this particular server, just can't believe it.

  • halifaxdal (4/2/2012)

    Can't believe this happened to me:

    On Mar 26, I can still see the maintenance plan, I even created a screenshot for my document. The plan is scheduled to run on every weekend.

    Today (April 2), the plan is mysteriously gone!!!

    What could I possibly find out any trace on this? I read the errorlog, no findings.

    I don't believe anyone could hack into our environment especially this particular server, just can't believe it.

    It can't happen! Some body must have deleted the maintenance plan. wait, are you making us april fool? 😀

    Sujeet Singh

  • Divine Flame (4/2/2012)

    halifaxdal (4/2/2012)

    Can't believe this happened to me:

    On Mar 26, I can still see the maintenance plan, I even created a screenshot for my document. The plan is scheduled to run on every weekend.

    Today (April 2), the plan is mysteriously gone!!!

    What could I possibly find out any trace on this? I read the errorlog, no findings.

    I don't believe anyone could hack into our environment especially this particular server, just can't believe it.

    It can't happen! Some body must have deleted the maintenance plan. wait, are you making us april fool? 😀

    Lol..I also think so...APRIL FOOL 🙂

    Sushant Kumar

  • No, I am serious. I end up creating a new one because I don't believe it either and I don't want to spend time to investigate it. I am fed up of all kinds of funnies I encountered, the quickest way to get out is do it again. And the reason I posted it here is there might be small possibility that someone had this before. Apparently I posted it on a wrong date 😀 I am not fooling anyone.

  • halifaxdal (4/3/2012)

    No, I am serious. I end up creating a new one because I don't believe it either and I don't want to spend time to investigate it. I am fed up of all kinds of funnies I encountered, the quickest way to get out is do it again. And the reason I posted it here is there might be small possibility that someone had this before. Apparently I posted it on a wrong date 😀 I am not fooling anyone.

    Glad to know that you are out of it 🙂 Somebody else who has the access other than you might have deleted the plan OR in the worst scenario you started creating the maintenance plan, you took the screen shot once it was complete & then after completing you forgot to save :hehe:.

    Sujeet Singh

  • Hi,

    I have face the same problem pastly, then i recreated the Maintenance Plan but it not accepted with same name. So i Deleted the maintenance logs in MSDB and recreated with same name. After one week the Maintenance Plans disappear again. we are very shock about that. Finally we got the root cause of the DISAPPEARING of maintenance plans. There is the problem with SQL SERVER INTIGRATION SERVICES Package so we uninstall the SSIS and reinstall the same.

    The issue has been resolved.

    Thannks and Regards

    Pammu... 🙂

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