How to get the number of hours Working

  • Proj_IDPRoj_MngrStartDateEndadateHours_allocated


    768harsha 2010-09-262010-10-21524





    Select (DATEDIFF(day,b.startDate,b.Endadate) +1) - (DATEDIFF(wk,b.StartDate,b.Endadate)*2)

    - (CASE WHen DATENAME(dw,b.startdate)='SUNDAY' THen 1 else 0 end)

    - (CASE when DATENAME(dw,b.endadate)='SATURDAY' then 1 else 0 end)

    from Bolla b where Proj_ID=123;

    I used the abv query and got the number of days. NOw I want to find the number of hours in the total duration.

    I tried by multiplying the answer from the query with 24 but it showed me errors. I was not able to correct it. If any one could help me it would be great.


  • What is the error you are receiving?

    When I run the query against the data set provided, the result is 61, and I'm able to multiply it by 24 without any problem.


  • Could you tell me where did you do that multiplication I mean the Query

  • Here you go...

    Select ((DATEDIFF(day,b.startDate,b.Endadate) +1) - (DATEDIFF(wk,b.StartDate,b.Endadate)*2)

    - (CASE WHen DATENAME(dw,b.startdate)='SUNDAY' THen 1 else 0 end)

    - (CASE when DATENAME(dw,b.endadate)='SATURDAY' then 1 else 0 end)) * 24

    from Balla b where Proj_ID=123;

  • oops thats a bit stupid one. I didnt check the brackets properly.

    Actually I am trying to design a query that would allocate the number of hours per month based on the available days in a month.

    Say In june there are 15 days so in the result of 1484 some hrs be allocated. IN that way

    Anyways thanks

  • At this point, my recommendation would be to build a Calendar or Date table. If you have problems finding a good one on Google or Yahoo (or whatever your favorite search engines are), c'mon back and we'll help you get started. But give it a look-see on your own, first. 😀

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