fields not displaying

  • I created a table in sql

    SELECT left(LOCATNID,2) as Division, locatnid as Locations, sutastat, count(*) as Totals, max(emplclas) AS EMPLCLAS

    into EmployeeCount

    FROM UPR00100 where (inactive = '0') and (sutastat <> ' ') --and (emplclas = 'sal-ok' or emplclas = 'sal-tx' or emplclas = 'sal-la')

    group by left(LOCATNID,2),locatnid,sutastat--,emplclas

    alter table EmployeeCount

    ADD [Name] char(20);

    alter table EmployeeCount

    ADD [Stotals] int;

    alter table EmployeeCount

    ADD [Htotals] int

    and the data in the columns Stotals and Htotals will not show up in my expression. Can you think of a reason why. The other fields will show up only the ones i altered won't

    =(Fields!Stotals.Value) this does not work

  • If I am not mistaken RS looks at the fields in the select query to determine what fields to display. First, from your example, I don't see a dataset query, only a query to build values into a new table, and then some code to alter that new table. Do you have a subsequent query against your EmployeeCount table that is the data source for your dataset?

  • It works now, i had to drop and add the SP once I changed the two new fields from nvarchar to INT

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