why data base deveoper can't be called as software engineer ?

  • Hi all

    why data base developer can't be called as software engineer ?

  • I guess since most DB developers are not actually engineering software.

    I would consider a software engineer to be someone that writes low-level code.

    Though I wouldn't worry too much about Job Title there are no real firm definitions and often it comes down to the company and context they are used, and as a DB developer I have had had a lot of different job titles from DB analyst throught to systems engineer.

  • First of all, I am very happy with being a database developer, not a software engineer. The difference to me, is that I have a strict focus on the databases, unlike the average Joe .NET developer who only use a database as storage. As for low level code as mentioned, that eliminates both Java and .NET as well, neither is low-level programming languages.

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