Blog Post

Now Let’s Vote for 24 Hours of PASS


3058813264_24de1643caYesterday, I wanted you to vote for some SQLRally sessions, mine included.  Today, let’s vote for the sessions for the next 24 Hours of PASS.

If you don’t recall, the next 24 Hours of PASS will be celebrating Women’s History Month.  And because of this, the entire slate of speakers will be women.  The submissions for sessions is pretty impressive – there are 59 potential sessions to fill the 24 slots that I believe are available.

If you haven’t, yet, go out and vote.  I’m going to skip telling you who to vote for.  Mainly because I haven’t decided yet for myself but also because there are some good sessions to choose from.

Related posts:

  1. The Next 24 Hours of PASS
  2. Last Call for Speakers 24 Hours of PASS
  3. 24 Hours of PASS Wants You…


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