Blog Post

PASSMN January Meeting Announced


4216663688_f7d22d524f_mThe details are up and we have the meeting planned for January for the Minnesota SQL Server User Group (PASSMN).  It should be a good meeting because we have Kalen Delaney (Blog | @SQLQueen) coming in for a presentation.  It’ll also be interesting since we are moving the meeting back one week and we are across the skyway from the usual spot again.  For some reason we did this last time Kalen was in town as well.

Event Details

Date / Time: 1/25/2011 5:00:00 PM

Location: 8000 Norman Center Drive, Bloomington, MN  55437 – We will be meeting in the 8000 building this month.


  • 4:30-5:00 : Registration / hospitality / networking
  • 5:00-5:15 : Announcements etc.
  • 5:15-6:00 : Jason Strate: Error Logs and Deadlocks, Oh My!
  • 6:00-7:00 : Kalen Delaney: Seeking SQL Server Secrets
  • You may have noticed above, that I’ll be speaking this month.  It’s a quick topic that I’ve mentioned in passing in a few sessions.  This time I’ll do more than mention it.

    Presentation Details

    Error Logs and Deadlocks, Oh My! (Jason Strate, Digineer)

    Tired of turning to the SQL Server error log to find out what’s happened? Would you rather just know about a deadlock when it’s occurred rather than later in the day when the manager as you why HRs bonus distribution application failed? Find out how to get this information and more delivered to your inbox so that you can head off issues instead of drowning in them. In this session we’ll look at Event Notifications and find out how to stop having to monitor SQL Server error logs today.

    Seeking SQL Server Secrets (Kalen Delaney, SQLearning)

    Many experienced DBAs are aware that there are many undocumented commands and traceflags in SQL Server, and some DBAs may even keep track of all references to such options whenever they read about them in an article or blog posts, or hear about them at a conference. In this session, I’ll not only tell you about some of my favorite undocumented features, I’ll also tell you some of my tricks for discovering more undocumented secrets.

    RSVP, Please

    If you’ll be joining us (sorry no Live Meeting due to the room change), please RSVP so that we have an idea how much pizza to get.  Benchmark Learning is sponsoring us and they will need to get a good idea.

    And here’s the link.

    Related posts:

    1. September PASSMN Meeting Next Week
    2. September PASSMN Meeting Tonight
    3. July PASSMN Meeting Announced


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