Blog Post

Speaking at EDMPASS This Month


156322_10150359408335161_790425160_16076766_5969852_nIf you are up in Edmonton around January 26th, you can hear my voice at the EDMPASS January user group meeting.  Colin Stasiuk (Blog | @BenchmarkIT) invited me to join the meeting and I’ll be presenting on SSIS to their group. 

It seems to be good timing since I have the 31 Days of SSIS going on this month.  I think Colin might be psychic.

Anyways, the session I am doing is below.  If you are in the area join the meeting and sit back and wonder if I really look like the picture to the right while I am presenting.

Solving Business Pains with SQL Server Integration Services

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) offers a wide range of features and functionality that can be used to solve business pains within Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes.  These pains can be caused by the performance of current ETL process, the maintainability of ETL processes or represent a new pain that SSIS features can resolve.  This presentation will provide a demonstration of real world scenarios where features of SSIS were used to solve business pains through modification of existing SSIS packages or through the creation of new SSIS packages.  The session will also discuss current best practices in SSIS package design.

Related posts:

  1. SSWUG Free SSIS Expo
  2. June ITCare Event – Solving Business Pains with SQL Server Integration Services
  3. This Wednesday ITCare Event – Solving Business Pains with SQL Server Integration Services


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