Blog Post

Presenting At SQLSaturday #62 - Tampa


Even though I live in Orlando - just a hop, skip, and jump away from Tampa - I've missed their SQLSaturday for the last three years due to scheduling conflicts. This year I'm happy to say that I will finally make it to SQLSaturday #62 on Jan 15 and will be presenting Paging DR Availability, You're Wanted in the Recovery Room. Here's what I'll be talking about:

There are a lot of options when it comes to disaster recovery and high availability with regards to SQL Server. Most business owners (and many DBA’s) lump disaster recovery (DR) & high availability (HA) together and while they do share some pieces, they call for different strategies. Do you pick one or more than one of these options, and based on what? It’s incredibly important that you understand the decision tree that helps you pick the right one(s) for your business, and that you can explain the choices clearly to the stakeholders. It’s not as complicated as it sounds, but it is complicated – and in this hour presentation we’ll give you a high level understanding of the options, the costs, complexities, & reasons for using each of them.

There's a great lineup of speakers on the schedule and registration is still open. They're also hosting a Friday pre-con (Jan 14) called A Day of Data with 2 sessions to choose from: For DBAs there's Denny Cherry (Blog | Twitter) presenting Storage and Virtualization for the DBA; for those focused on BI Stacia Misner (Blog | Twitter) will present A Day of BI. The cost for each is $109 per person and includes coffee, juice & donuts, lunch, and course materials.

Register for SQLSaturday here and for Day of Data here.

I hope to see you there!


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