Log Shipping Between 2 different domains, Secondary also a Domain Controller

  • Hi Guys,

    This is a bit of a tricky one. I have a PRIMARYSERVER which has several databases I need to Log Ship to a SECONDARYSERVER.


    SECONDARYSERVER is also the Domain Controller for DOMAIN_B.

    Now I can interactively read/write between the two using Domain accounts (ie connect to SECONDARYSERVER using DOMAIN_B\ACCOUNT vi RDP and then connect to \\PRIMARYSERVER\SHARE using DOMAIN_A\ACCOUNT and vice versa) however I'm having trouble getting SQL Server to be able to access these shares.

    After looking around it appears that you can simply run the SQL Server agent on each server using an identical local user and identical password to enable the two instances to communicate, I can't seem to do this in my scenario as the secondary server is a domain controller therefore I can't use local accounts.

    There is also, and can't be, a trust enabled between the two domains.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to how I would be able to get this working?

    Cheers 🙂


  • It depends on lots of factors, for instance what location will be used for the primary server backups, a share on the primary server or a network location?

    If you set the primary server backup to be a share on a workgroup server and leave the folder\share permissions wide open you may get away with it, i've never tried it myself. Backups however may be slow or unreliable. You'll need to test and find a solution that works.

    Ideally create a trust or move the SQL instance to a member server in domain b and create your local users


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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