Recursive help needed

  • I am trying to write a recursive query to return a tree structure. I can return the top most node but not the entirre tree.

    The result should look like:



    Red - Autoclave

    Blue - Autoclave


    Maximum Reading




    My query is:

    With CatList (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance

    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.IDNo = List.ParentIDNo


    select * from CatList

    To create a table and populate it with data:




    AND TABLE_NAME = 'Category')

    DROP TABLE Category


    CREATE TABLE Category

    ([IDNo] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [Category] [varchar](100) NULL,

    [ChildCategory] [varchar](150) NULL,

    [ParentIDNo] [bigint] NULL,

    [WSWebProductNameIDNo] [bigint] NULL,

    [WSWebPriceTableCellsItemNoIDNo] [bigint] NULL,

    [ItemNo] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [TopMostLevel] [bit] NULL,

    [Clearance] [bit] NULL)


    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (1, 'Apparatus', NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL,1,NULL )

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (2, 'Apparatus','Autoclaves',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (3, 'Autoclaves','Red - Autoclave',2,100,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (4, 'Autoclaves','Blue - Autoclave',2,105,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (5, 'Thermometers', NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL,1,NULL )

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (6, 'Thermometers','Maximum Registering',5,187,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (7, 'Thermometers','Glass',5,NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (8, 'Glass','Farenheit',7,201,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (9, 'Glass','Celsius',7,209,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)


    Thank you for your assitance,


  • You have your join criteria backwards.

    Try this.

    With CatList (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance

    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.ParentIDNo = List.IDNO


    select * from CatList

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Thanks. It was backwards. I get all the records now.

    However they are not sorted in a recursive manner. The data I posted yields misleading results as it was all in order when it was loaded.

    Here is the data out of order.

    I am not sure a simple Order by will fix the problem.




    AND TABLE_NAME = 'Category')

    DROP TABLE Category


    CREATE TABLE Category

    ([IDNo] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [Category] [varchar](100) NULL,

    [ChildCategory] [varchar](150) NULL,

    [ParentIDNo] [bigint] NULL,

    [WSWebProductNameIDNo] [bigint] NULL,

    [WSWebPriceTableCellsItemNoIDNo] [bigint] NULL,

    [ItemNo] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [TopMostLevel] [bit] NULL,

    [Clearance] [bit] NULL)


    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (1, 'Apparatus', NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL,1,NULL )

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (6, 'Apparatus','Autoclaves',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (3, 'Autoclaves','Red - Autoclave',6,100,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (4, 'Autoclaves','Blue - Autoclave',6,105,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (2, 'Thermometers', NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL,1,NULL )

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (6, 'Thermometers','Maximum Registering',2,187,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (7, 'Thermometers','Glass',2,NULL,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (8, 'Glass','Farenheit',7,201,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)

    INSERT INTO Category VALUES (9, 'Glass','Celsius',7,209,NULL,NULL,Null,NULL)




  • I'm not sure what you mean.

    Post a sample of how you expect to see it displayed

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Wow. that was quick.

    The order was in my original post.

    Here it is. For some reason the indents are not show. I do not need it returned with indents. But it would have made it easier to read.



    Red - Autoclave

    Blue - Autoclave


    Maximum Reading




    Please see jpg

  • Same query i provided will yield these results.

    Are you looking for indentation as well? It does not matter what order the data appears in the table - so long as the data references correct parents.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Jason,

    No thank you. Indentation is not necessary.

    I copied your query just now into SSMS. The results are shown in the jpg. Do you get something different?

  • This will work better for you then.

    With CatList (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance,sortkey) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance

    ,CAST('.'+CAST(idno AS VARCHAR(Max))+'.' AS VARCHAR(max)) AS sortkey

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance

    ,STUFF(('.' + sortkey + CAST(CAST(cat.idno AS VARCHAR(max)) + '.' AS VARCHAR(max))


    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.ParentIDNo = List.IDNO


    select Parent,Child,Idno,ParentIDNo,Clearance

    from CatList

    ORDER BY sortkey

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Ibe be .....d. It works. I am going to spend time tonight trying to understand the changes. I have no idea what Stuff does. But that is where I am going to start.

    Thanks again. I really do appreciate the assitance especially on a Fri night.


  • You're welcome. Stuff is concatenating the sequence of the hierarchy into a string.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • The topic that just won't die.

    The latest request is to have the nodes of the various tress in alphabetical order.

    So I think I have to modify the SoryKey to include the ChildCategory. But everytime I try it, the Sortkey becomes NULL.

    Here is the query, again.

    With CatList

    (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance,sortkey) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance ,

    CAST('.'+CAST(idno AS VARCHAR(Max))+'.' AS VARCHAR(max)) AS sortkey

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance

    STUFF(('.' + sortkey + CAST(CAST(cat.idno AS VARCHAR(max)) + '.' AS VARCHAR(max)) ),1,1,'')

    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.ParentIDNo = List.IDNO)

    select Parent,Child,Idno,ParentIDNo,Clearance

    from CatList

    ORDER BY sortkey

    I tried this first:

    With CatList

    (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance,sortkey) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance ,

    CAST('.'+CAST(idno + ChildCategory AS VARCHAR(Max))+'.' AS VARCHAR(max)) AS sortkey

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance

    STUFF(('.' + sortkey + CAST(CAST(cat.idno+Cat.ChildCategory AS VARCHAR(max)) + '.' AS VARCHAR(max)) ),1,1,'')

    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.ParentIDNo = List.IDNO)

    select Parent,Child,Idno,ParentIDNo,Clearance

    from CatList

    ORDER BY sortkey

    Next I tried:

    With CatList

    (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance,sortkey) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance ,

    CAST('.'+CAST(idno AS VARCHAR(Max))+'.' AS VARCHAR(max))+ChildCategory AS sortkey

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance

    STUFF(('.' + sortkey + CAST(CAST(cat.idno AS VARCHAR(max)) + '.' AS VARCHAR(max)) ),1,1,'')+Cat.ChildCategory

    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.ParentIDNo = List.IDNO)

    select Parent,Child,Idno,ParentIDNo,Clearance

    from CatList

    ORDER BY sortkey

    Neither worked.

    Thanks in advance for your assisatance.


  • Got it. I replaced the IDNo in the sortkey with ChildCategory and Category. If they were not encased in IsNull then the sort key would return NULL.

    With CatList (Child, Parent,IDNo, ParentIDNo, Clearance,sortkey) as

    (Select ChildCategory, Category, IDNo, ParentIDNo,Clearance ,


    isnull(Category,'')) AS VARCHAR(Max))+'.' AS VARCHAR(max)) AS sortkey

    From Category

    where parentidno is null

    Union All

    Select Cat.ChildCategory, Cat.Category, Cat.IDNo, Cat.ParentIDNo ,Cat.Clearance,

    STUFF(('.' + sortkey + CAST(CAST(isnull(cat.ChildCategory,

    isnull(Category,'')) AS VARCHAR(max)) + '.' AS VARCHAR(max)) ),1,1,'')

    From Category Cat

    Inner join CatList List

    On cat.ParentIDNo = List.IDNO)

    select Parent,Child,Idno,ParentIDNo,Clearance, sortkey from CatList

    ORDER BY sortkey

  • Good to hear.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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