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SQLSaturday#59 NYC 2010 - 3 Days Away! - Sponsor Profile


SQLSaturday#59 is only a mere 3-days away!  Today, I am bringing you a sponsor profile for our participating vendors, who in turn are responsible for bringing the event to fruition!  Because of our awesome sponsorships, we will have breakfast, lunch, snacks, SWAG, terrific prizes and giveaways!  They will be lined up outside the conference rooms, so be sure to stop by and visit!  In this profession, you’re sure to have a need for their services and products at some point in your careers! 

And, although no one always wants a commercial sales pitch, remember its because of these fine collection of vendors, that we’re able to bring this super SQLSaturday Networking, Learning Event, and hopefully a little entertainment, for all of you for FREE!  That’s F-R-E-E!  Plus, if you don’t stop by, you’re not going to be part of the raffles! 😛  All participating sponsors are giving away things such as software licenses, training, and more!  Here are our sponsors:

Our Gold Sponsors will also talk about their product lines and have their giveaways during their special Lunch Sessions.

We should probably call them our RED sponsors, but the first of our GOLD sponsors is WhereScapeRED.  In addition to raffling off their awesome Data Warehousing software, they have generously agreed to throw our volunteer/speaker after party!

WhereScape RED is software designed to support agile data warehousing - in your database of choice. It helps you build your working data warehouse in a matter of days. You can then trial it with users, tune it and refine it, until they are completely satisfied.

We automate the entire data warehouse lifecycle. With WhereScape RED keeping your data warehouse up to date is a drag-and-drop operation.

RedGate Software, our next RED, er, Gold Sponsor, is providing us with volunteer and speaker shirts! 

Since 1999, Red Gate Software has produced ingeniously simple tools for over 500,000 Microsoft technology professionals worldwide.

Our SQL Toolbelt is the simplest and most effective way to access the SQL Server tools that you need, to get your job done, the way you want to do it. SQL Toolbelt is a single installer of fourteen essential database tools, including SQL Compare, SQL Prompt and SQL Backup. Our philosophy is to design highly usable, reliable tools that solve the problems of DBAs and developers. Ingeniously Simple Tools.

Quest Software, our Silver Sponsor, will be providing us with much needed Snacks and Beverages throughout the day!  Plus, the Grand Prize…

Simplicity At Work. Quest creates simple-to-use IT management software that saves you time and money across virtual, physical, and cloud environments. Our award-winning products and time-saving services ease the toughest IT challenges for more than 100,000 customers worldwide. You need simpler ways to do powerful things. That’s what Quest has delivered since 1987.


And, let’s not forget the rest of our Bronze and other sponsors, including, Microsoft, who has donated use of its NYC facility for the event.

At Pragmatic Works, run by SQL MVP Execs, Brian Knight and Adam Jorgensen, their goal and purpose is to democratize technology. They build software that people will use everyday. Their belief is to only build applications people will use or make it so transparent, that people don't even know they're using your application.

Pragmatic Works is a privately held technology company headquartered in Jacksonville, FL with a sales offices near Boston, MA and a technology center in Atlanta, GA.

Another vendor and sponsor in the BI space, Varigence, which offers a comprehensive collection of tools and frameworks for the Microsoft Business Intelligence Platform.

Their software allows your development team to plan and execute end-to end Bi solutions with unprecedented developer, governance, analyst, and end-user capabilities. It will revolutionize the way you build, manage, and use Business Intelligence in your enterprise.

Since 1997, SetFocus has been a leader in selecting, training and placing Microsoft professionals nationwide. Working with a network of industry experts, SetFocus identifies areas where IT skill gaps exist, develops relevant training programs and then selects and sources qualified talent to its network of hiring partners seeking specialized skills.

Pearl Knowledge Solutions, Inc. is an independent software vendor (ISV) and one-stop SQL Server solution shop, offering Remote DBA Monitoring & Managed Services, Consulting, Project Expertise, as well as Database Management Software. 

We have developed our award-winning monitoring and alerting solution - SQLCentric, and offer through our exclusive partnerships, SafePeak and RedGate’s entire line of SQL tool suite.


We are a proud sponsor of SQLSaturday#59, and have assisted in coordinating the event and bringing you our fabulous line-up of speakers and sponsors.  Please stop by our table!

AdvantiSolutions data management business is divided into three areas: consulting, solutions, and managed services. These three practices are complementary to one another enabling us to deliver results across both the data and investment lifecycles.

SafePeak Technologies has invented a new software paradigm, SafePeak, for solving one of the biggest problems facing enterprises and fast growing companies, how to rapidly and efficiently access the growing massive amounts of data, together with growing scale of demand, in organizational databases of web and enterprise applications. It  is the first and only plug and play, automated and pro-active solution for application performance acceleration and scalability of data access and retrieval.

Confio Software is a company focused on database performance monitoring. The new Ignite 8 product is a comprehensive database performance solution for DBAs, IT management, and database application developers. Ignite 8 eliminates performance bottlenecks, improves application service, and reduces the cost of operations for SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and Sybase databases.

Fusion-io is a leading provider of data-centric computing solutions - a combination of hardware and software that places data closer to processing, resulting in dramatic improvements in both performance and efficiency. The company was founded in 2006.

Gerasus Software was founded by an experienced SQL Server DBA. After years of building many small utilities that made the daily DBA work life easier and more productive, it was decided to bring them to market for all DBAs and developers to use. The tools available here are in daily use by the author which assures a high quality product

The O'Reilly User Group & Professional Association Program supports the good work of user and professional groups by providing review copies of O'Reilly products, monthly newsletter, donations of books and other promo items, UG member discount on all O'Reilly books and conferences.  We can expect some great books and SWAG from them.

Don't forget in between sessions, stop by, say hello, and grab a few things to take home.  See you in a few!


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