Can not open Report manager on server itself

  • I have installed SQL server 2008 installed on my machine.

    i have configured SQL server reporting services.

    But when i try to open URL(http://localhost:80/reportserver

    on the server itself i am getting the following error:

    The permissions granted to user 'domain\username' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied

    My operating system is windows 7.

    kindly suggest where do i specify permission to this user.

    [font="Arial Narrow"]Failure is not the worst thing. The worst Thing is not to try[/font]
  • Two things to look at for starters:

    1. Make sure when you start IE you 'run as' Administrator, otherwise you may not get sufficient privledges to access report server.

    2. Has the account you are using been granted permissions to the report server? If it is the account used to set up SSRS, it should have permissions, but if you are trying to access with a different user you need to grant permissions first. Log in as you administrator and use Site Settings --> Security

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