Blog Post

SQLSaturday#59 - Reflection on the Speaker Interview Series...


No speaker interview today, (didn't have time to format it today), just some reflection on the Speaker Interview Series, thus far.

As we get closer to our SQLSaturday#59 event, we are soon to conclude our speaker interviews series, which have been a great success so far.  I have seen, read, and received very positive comments publicly and privately, and thank everyone for stopping by the PearlKnows blog.

Even though, we are focusing on and I am covering this particular event in NYC, the ladies and gentlemen speakers, all part of the SQL/BI/DW community, are traveling and speaking at events nationwide, in fact world-wide.  So, if you cannot catch them here, they’re sure to drop by in a venue near you soon.  These dedicated individuals are donating their free time to share their own expert knowledge with all of us, in hopes to inspire and turn out more knowledgeable professionals, MVPs, experts and so on.  Hopefully, once they feel they have reached a point in their own professional careers, they will remember the awesome knowledge and insights imparted to them from their predecessors, and will feel the need to give back, and share with others.

The questions have been similar to all our speaker participants, but their backgrounds, careers, interests and opinions have been delightfully diverse, interesting in their own right, and some even entertaining and humorous.  Here again is our Speaker Session Schedule.

So, I hope you all enjoyed the series - don't worry - we still have a few more to go. Also, I will continue to bring you updates up until and including the very day.  I want to personally thank all our SQL Speakers who have participated, and glad I can bring you their perspective on the profession, their experiences, their interests, and their knowledge.  When SQLSaturday#59 is all said and done, the information brought to you by each and every speaker, will far outlast and transcend the one event.

SQLSaturday is technically a PASS event - see we're listed on the site -, but as the real PASS Summit gets underway next week in Seattle, Nov 8- Nov 11, I will yield my series and get out of the way, so all those who ARE attending the conference, can bring you the latest and greatest from the event itself. 

You can look forward to some unveiling of the mysterious SQL 11, otherwise code-name Denali!  Once that happens, you will see a lot more details flow to the greater SQL Server Community.

Anyway, many of our own scheduled speakers will be there, and then fly back to NY a short time later to give us East-Coasters some great sessions!  450+ Attendees for our venue is not too shabby, which is why some are dubbing SQLSaturday#59, "the after PASS East Coast special" πŸ™‚

See you soon!  Thanks for not PASSing us by πŸ˜‰




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