Blog Post

How To Participate In The PASS Summit When You Can't Be There


Bummed that you can't go to the PASS Summit in Seattle this year? Turn that frown upside down because there are still ways that you can participate from afar!

Live Streams
This year the keynotes are going to be streamed live courtesy of Dell. Dell caught a bunch of flak last year for mailing it in on the day 3 keynote so I give them credit for stepping up to the plate and doing the SQL community right this year. The keynotes are scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Nov. 9-11, at 8:00 - 10:00 AM Pacific.

But that's not all…Wednesday's (that's Nov 10) Women In Technology  panel discussionRecruiting, Retaining and Advancing Women in Technology: Why Does it Matter?, is also being streamed live from noon - 1:30 PM Pacific.

I've previously mentioned that if there's one keynote that you want to be sure not to miss it's Dr. David DeWitt on Day 3. Deeply technical and devoid of marketing fluff, Dr. DeWitt's keynotes have been a highlight of the Summit for the last two years. I expect this year to be no different.

Register for the live streams here

Follow Along On Twitter
If you're not on Twitter now might be a good time to join because the SQL Server community will be buzzing all week long. You'll be able to tap into the stream of consciousness and see what people are thinking and doing each day. Last year was especially entertaining during the keynotes!

Hashtags to follow:

  • #sqlpass - The principal hashtag for all PASS\Summit related tweets. If you follow one and only one this would be it.
  • #passwit - For following tweets related to PASS Women In Technology
  • #PASSAwesomeness - Read about all the things that make the Summit and PASS so awesome. Lots of good stuff here from Summit veterans and a few inside jokes that will go over the heads rookies and newcomers.
  • #sqlkaraoke - Follow along with the after hours shenanigans at Bush Garden. The later it gets, the sillier the tweets are likely to be.
  • #sqlkilt - For all things related to Kilt Wednesday.
  • #InappropriateSQLPass - This started as a meme and grew into a Meetup that's happening Tuesday night. Imagine all the politically incorrect sessions that you won't see at the Summit. Hilarity guaranteed, and most definitely NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
  • #sqlmonitor - SQL Server tips being submitted for a contest that Red Gate is running. Submit one of your own and you might win licenses to SQL Monitor 2.0 or maybe even an iPad! Even if you don't submit a tip this might be worth following to pick up some good nuggets of information about SQL.
  • #sqlcss - Tweets from\about Microsoft's Customer Support and Services team at the Summit.
  • #sqlcat - Tweets from\about the SQL Customer Advisory Team at the Summit.

For a crash course in how to "do" Twitter check out Brent Ozar's blog posts and free e-book.

I expect a lot of people will be blogging recaps throughout the week. I'm going to try to, and my friend Andy Warren (Blog | Twitter) usually does as well. Other places to keep an eye out:


So now even if you can't be at the Summit, you can "be" at the Summit. "See" you next week!


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