Sporadic 3041 errors during backup

  • Hi,

    I have a scheduled SQL Agent job which backs up a number of databases every night.

    Recently i have begun having problems, every few days the backup will fail. The point at which the failure takes place changes all the time (sometimes it runs for almost an hour, sometimes is fails after five minutes).

    The error log always shows the following error messages:

    "Error: 3041, Severity: 16, State: 1."

    "BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE BMSStore. Check the backup application log for detailed messages."

    The same error appears in both the event log and the sql server log.

    If i execute the agent job myself it completes without failure.

    Does anyone have any suggestions how i can identify the source of this problem?


  • Yes. Search the internet for that first message. You'll get plenty of hits telling you exactly what the problem is.


  • I have already done a thorough internet search; suggestions go along the lines of "check the log for error messages which may identify the problem".

    No entries, other then those which i posted, exist.

  • You must be using a different search engine. Try this:



  • No, we are using the same search engine. I have checked each of the websites that are returned on the first two pages.

    Could you advise which of the results you feel sets out how to resolve my issue?

    Or perhaps offer some advice of your own?

  • Thanks, but this artcile is talking about taking a log backup before taking a full data backup. I am trying to run a full database backup so it doesn't apply here.

  • OK, then something strange is going on since that is what error 3041 appears to mean. Are you sure you haven't inadvertently included a log backup as part of your database backup job? How are you doing the backup - T-SQL, a maintenance plan, third-party software, or some other way?


    Edit: corrected error number

  • The agent job calls a stored proc which executes a backup database command; there is definitely no log backup taking place.

    This is my frustration; i can't seem to track the source of the error and sometimes it completes without even occurring.

    Very frustrating.

  • Please can we see the definition of the stored procedure?



  • ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Backup_Database] @DBName varchar(250) AS



    DECLARE @FILENAME varchar(250)

    SELECT@FILENAME = 'D:\SQLBackup\x.bak'





  • Are there any other messages in the errorlog at around the same time?


  • Nothing other then the completion messages for the other databases being backed up.

  • DBANewbie (7/27/2011)

    The agent job calls a stored proc which executes a backup database command; there is definitely no log backup taking place.

    This is my frustration; i can't seem to track the source of the error and sometimes it completes without even occurring.

    Very frustrating.

    have you tried to run a manual full backup on the database by right clicking in SSMS?

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