Can't restore backup from 2005 server to 2008 server

  • I'm tearing my hair out over a restore I've done every month for the last couple years. The source database is on a SQL Server 2005 sp3 server and the target database is on a SQL Server 2008 server. The source database is compressed using WinRAR. The source database is restorable on the same server, so I believe the source database backup is fine. When I try to restore it onto the SQL 2008 server I get the error "The media family on device xxxx' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.

    RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

    MicroSoft SQL Server, Error: 3241

    Things I've tried:

    Rule out WinRAR:Creating a tiny database on the source server and emailing it to me. Get same error.

    Different transfer methods in WinRAR: Tried Ascii, Binary, and Auto but get same error.

    New backup copy: Sent 3 new backup copies, same result

    Verify database version on source: Source is SQL Server 2005 sp3, Target is SQL Server 2008 sp1 (both standard edition 64 bit)

    Try new target server: Tried to restore onto a SQL Server 2005 box, still same error

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. I'm running out of ideas. 😉

  • Have you tried copying the mdf and ldf to the target server and mounting those files to the target instance?

    Have you tried checkdb?

    How about chkdsk on the source disk system?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Can you provide the backup statement that is being used to backup the databases?

    Also, just to verify - can you provide the results of @@version for each instance?

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  • This is a restore we've done through SSMS gui every month for years. We have verified that the source is SQL 2005 SP3 and target is SQL 2008 SP1. The source is remote so I don't have access to drive info. We're going to try to detach the remote database and attach it here. I'll post again after I try the detach attach process.

    Thanks for the tips!

  • are you copying the backup over an existing file of the same name? If so, try deleting the file on the 2008 server first. then recopy from sql2005.

    I have found in the past a file constantly overwritten can get corrupted and not be recognised as a backup file anymore. Delete and recreate fixes it.


  • Boy, that was an ordeal. We finally got it to work by detaching it from the source server, ftping it, then renaming it and attaching it on the target server. I used this link: for attaching a database using only one file. Whew!

    Thanks so much for all the suggestions! It's greatly appreciated. Now my head feels better because I can stop bangining it against the wall.:-)

  • Elizabeth.Block (7/7/2011)

    finally got it to work by detaching it from the source server, ftping it, then renaming it and attaching it on the target server.

    no need to detach the source database, simply take the source offline and this will allow you to copy the disk files off the server


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Great news.

    As Perry said - just take the db offline next time and copy the files.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thanks all for the great help! I'm breathing easier now....

  • .. and copy data and log files (you said you had to do a single file attach)


  • george sibbald (7/8/2011)

    .. and copy data and log files (you said you had to do a single file attach)

    Excellent point George. Copy both the log and data files and you should be better off.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Elizabeth.Block (7/7/2011)

    This is a restore we've done through SSMS gui every month for years. ....

    Why aren't you using a sqlagent job with a job proxy account that can read from the original backup file location and schedule or launch that at your specs ?

    Maybe even just add a backup database ... with copy_only for this purpose and restore that bak file.

    No need to take the db offline.


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  • This is a fairly static database, only updated once a month, at which time we get a compressed (RAR) file from the organization. That organization has a process where they send only the data file to many customers. I am not in charge of their process so I have to work with what they give me. Is there some risk in only getting a data file and not the log file if the data hasn't changed in a month?

  • my apologies didn't know that.

    Yes there is a risk with that. One day the file just won't attach and you will have to go through a complex hack that risks data loss. Both data and log file should always be sent, the databases is incomplete without its log file.

    I would say you are entitled to ask that both files be sent. But preferable a .bak file should be provided.


  • though didn't you originally say you were trying to do a restore?


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