t-sql Date Problem

  • Hello Experts,

    I have a problem about the WeekOf Year column. Because when I try to retrieve the resultset from the source database then I get the exact results.

    DateID 20100809 and 20100815 is in the 33 th week of the year. Yes, I get this result from my source table by applying the following SQL script:


    Select CAST((b.Week ) as tinyint)as WeekOfYear,CAST(a.dateID as int) as DateID, CAST( b.year as CHAR(4)) as Year , a.StyleCode, cast(a.WarehouseID as varchar(23)) as WarehouseID, a.Quantity

    From InventoryFact_MAX a

    Join (

    Select datepart(WEEK,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)) Week,

    datepart(YEAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)) year,

    StyleCode, WarehouseID, MAX(DateID) DateID

    From InventoryFact_MAX

    Group by datepart(YEAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)),

    datepart(WEEK,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)), StyleCode, WarehouseID

    ) b on b.DateID = a.DateID and b.StyleCode = a.StyleCode and b.WarehouseID = a.WarehouseID

    where --a.DateID>=20100809 and a.DateID<=20100815 and


    Order by b.Week, b.year , a.StyleCode, a.WarehouseID


    You can see the screenshot of this query results at attached file named screen1.

    I have create a destination table Named LookupInv4. And I have imported data to this table with my previous query.


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LookupInv4](

    [WeeokOfYear] [tinyint] NULL,

    [Year] [char](4) NULL,

    [DateID] [int] NULL,

    [StyleCode] [varchar](23) NULL,

    [WarehouseID] [varchar](23) NULL,

    [Quantity] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    When I try to select this LookupInv4 table then I get a weekofyear value as 34. This is impossible because there is no such value in my source data.And my sprecified date range belongs to week 33.

    select * from LookupInv4 a

    where a.DateID>=20100809 and a.DateID<=20100815 and



    WeekOfYear Year DateID StyleCode WarehouseID Quantity

    ----------- ---- ----------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------

    33 2010 20100812 RU901511000161 1001 4

    33 2010 20100812 RU901511000161 M001 0

    34 2010 20100815 RU901511000161 1001 2

    (3 row(s) affected)


    You can see my other my query result as screen2.

    I think I should focus on to this mistake.

    Any idea?

  • There may be a difference between microsoft week and iso week !

    try this:

    declare @dates table ( dt datetime not null )

    Declare @startdate datetime

    set @startdate = '2010-01-01'

    insert into @dates

    select DATEADD(DD, N, @startdate)

    from master.dbo.fn_ALZDBA_Tally(0, 500, 1) -- tally table value function ( see Lynn Pettis http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/67899/)

    select DATEPART(WEEK, dt) as [week]

    , DATEPART(ISOWK, dt) as [ISOweek]

    , *

    from @dates

    order by dt ;


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  • ALZDBA (9/26/2010)

    There may be a difference between microsoft week and iso week !...

    Ther definitely is a difference:

    The "old-fashioned" week function will calculate the weeks starting with week 1 for the week holding January 1st whereas ISO week start with week 1 being the week with at least four days. So, if January 1st is a Friday (like this year) the result of the week function will be different to the ISO week.

    Furthermore, ISO weeks always start with Monday, whereas week depends on the setting of DATEFIRST.

    Fortunately, SS2K8 now has the ISOWK built-in function so we don't have to write our own anymore (I don't like the ISO week function described in BOL since it's not a iTVF...)

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  • Thank you for your replies. I have modified my code as follow:

    Select CAST((b.Week ) as int)as WeekOfYear,CAST(a.dateID as int) as DateID, CAST( b.year as CHAR(4)) as Year , a.StyleCode, cast(a.WarehouseID as varchar(23)) as WarehouseID, a.Quantity

    From InventoryLookup a

    Join (

    Select datepart(ISOWK,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)) Week, datepart(YEAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)) year, StyleCode, WarehouseID, MAX(DateID) DateID

    From InventoryLookup

    Group by datepart(YEAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)), datepart(ISOWK,CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(varchar,DateID),112)), StyleCode, WarehouseID

    ) b on b.DateID = a.DateID and b.StyleCode = a.StyleCode and b.WarehouseID = a.WarehouseID

    where --a.DateID>=20100809 and a.DateID<=20100815 and


    Order by b.Week, b.year , a.StyleCode, a.WarehouseID

    But when I run this resultset then my DateID 20100809 weekofyear value is 32. But it should be 33. Right?

  • As per ISO, week of August 9th 2010 is week 32.

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