• Hello,

    i have dropdown list in my report.

    say for eg lke this

    drop down has the faolloing

    cateogory 1

    cateogory 2

    cateogory 3

    in the drop down i need one more saying all.

    when the user selects this all it has to display all the products that belongs to cateogory1, cateogory2 and cateogory 3.

    if user select just cateogory 1 it has display only products belongs to cateogory. same for category 2, category three.

    i know for cateogpry 1, cateogory2 ateogory 3 but for all i have no idea.

    can anyone help me with this.

    Thank you

  • Pinky,

    Make your control accept multivalue parameters and ammend the SQL query accordingly

    Raunak J

  • I am new into sql,

    can you please be more clear.

    Thank you

  • Maybe this article can help you.





    Newtek Web Hosting

  • Try using UNION in the query used in the dataset for passing values to the parameter.

    When you do a union say SELECT 'All' AS category FROM Table1.

    Add a UNION to the main query also with 'All' AS Category.

    This should give you data for all the categories when you select All in the drop down..

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