SSIS 2008 Package deployment into MSDB package store using DTUTIL

  • Hi,

    I have created package stores inside MSDB (sub folders under MSDB) and trying to deploy my packages using DTUTIL command. I am able to deploy package to MSDB using the below command but not able to do it directly to a sub fodler under MSDB. Can someone please help me out on the command?

    I am currently using the below command

    for %f in (My package.dtsx) do dtutil /File %f /DestServer MYSSISServer /copy SQL;%~nf /Q

  • Same question....

  • [font="Arial"]The /COPY option of the DTUTIL command itself asks for the path of the package. This path can include sub-folders as you are expecting. So, if you have created a sub folder by the name Test1 you can use the below command and it will obey you:

    for %f in (My package.dtsx) do dtutil /File %f /DestServer MYSSISServer /copy SQL;Test1\%~nf /Q [/font]

  • Thank you.

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