Stored Proc with dynamic table column

  • Hi,

    RDBMS : sqlserver 2005

    OS : windows

    I have to write a stored proc, for given below scenario









    we add column for some new values. Col1-n will have only status value "1 or 0 ".

    Now I want to write a stored proc that should return

    id, name and only those col (from col1-n) that have value 1.

    I can not hard code col name (col1-n) as in future col can increase, so the stored proc should return always right results.

    can you please help me ?

  • Almost impossible to write with efficient query. More to the point, no a job to do in sql server.

    Just grab everything and manage that in the presentation layer.

  • As Ninja put it, the solution might not be an efficient one. Can be done in 3 parts.

    1. UNPIVOT your columns - this will be dynamic as u don't know the name or number of columns

    2. Filter the result for values = 1

    3. Pivot them back - this will also be dynamic as u don't know the name or number of columns

    Not a efficient solution, but does what you want.

  • If you have such a bad design to your database that you are adding columns to a table dynamically, then you won't care about more bad code.

    It's pretty easy actually: query sys.columns for the columns of your table and build a where clause in a string (preferably in a cursor). Now plop that where string onto a select and EXEC the whole thing at the end of the procedure. BAM! Dynamic SQL FTW!

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • thbaig1 (5/4/2011)


    RDBMS : sqlserver 2005

    OS : windows

    I have to write a stored proc, for given below scenario









    we add column for some new values. Col1-n will have only status value "1 or 0 ".

    Now I want to write a stored proc that should return

    id, name and only those col (from col1-n) that have value 1.

    I can not hard code col name (col1-n) as in future col can increase, so the stored proc should return always right results.

    can you please help me ?

    Your best bet is to look at the Columns that are going to be 0 or 1 and instead make them a separate table storing the "column" names. You then link that table back through an "interim" table that allows you to create a Many to Many relationship.

    It should look something like


    (AID int,

    AName varchar(20)


    CREATE TABLE YourColNames

    (YourColNamesID int,

    YourColNamesDescription varchar(40)


    CREATE TABLE Table-A_YourColNames

    (AID int,

    YourColNamesID int


    This will let you link as many items from YourColNames to as many items in Table-A as you need. The query to get the data back in the format you want would be

    SELECT AName, YourColNamesDescription

    FROM Table-A A

    INNER JOIN Table-A_YourColNames AY


    INNER JOIN YourColNames Y

    ON AY.YourColNamesID = Y.YourColNamesID

    ORDER BY A.AName

    This also lets you add as many "columns" as you want without having to change any code, you just make a new entry in the YourColNames table and the corresponding linking entries in the "interim" table called Table-A_YourColNames

    If you'd like, post your Table definition and some sample data and I'd be happy to help you work out the new structure.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • ColdCoffee (5/4/2011)

    As Ninja put it, the solution might not be an efficient one. Can be done in 3 parts.

    1. UNPIVOT your columns - this will be dynamic as u don't know the name or number of columns

    2. Filter the result for values = 1

    3. Pivot them back - this will also be dynamic as u don't know the name or number of columns

    Not a efficient solution, but does what you want.

    thank you.

    can you please explain a little more. I think it can work

  • thbaig1 (5/4/2011)

    ColdCoffee (5/4/2011)

    As Ninja put it, the solution might not be an efficient one. Can be done in 3 parts.

    1. UNPIVOT your columns - this will be dynamic as u don't know the name or number of columns

    2. Filter the result for values = 1

    3. Pivot them back - this will also be dynamic as u don't know the name or number of columns

    Not a efficient solution, but does what you want.

    thank you.

    can you please explain a little more. I think it can work

    Involves lot of work.. Can you set me up an environment to work, as in, can you provide CREATE table scripts of your table, some 100 random records as INSERT INTO table scripts ?

  • I had some time to play. Try this out, thbaig1.

    create table test (ID int, col1 bit, col2 bit);

    insert into test (ID, col1, col2)

    select 1, 1, 1 union all select 2, 0, 0;


    create procedure select_from_test as

    set nocount on

    declare @col_name varchar(100);

    declare @sql varchar(max);

    set @sql = '';

    declare rs cursor for

    select from sys.columns c

    inner join sys.tables t on c.object_id = t.object_id and = 'test';

    open rs;

    fetch next from rs into @col_name;

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    if LEFT(@col_name,3) = 'col'

    set @sql = @sql + 'isnull(' + @col_name + ',0)=1 and ';

    fetch next from rs into @col_name;


    close rs;

    deallocate rs;

    set @sql = @sql + '1=1';

    set @sql = 'select * from test where ' + @sql;

    exec (@sql);


    exec select_from_test;

    alter table test add col3 bit;

    insert into test (ID, col1, col2, col3)

    select 3, 1, 1, 1;

    exec select_from_test;

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • That's only 10% of the problem.

    Run the same thing with 600 columns and 10 000 000 rows of data. :hehe:

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (5/5/2011)

    That's only 10% of the problem.

    Run the same thing with 600 columns and 10 000 000 rows of data. :hehe:

    This and flexibility with the addition of additional columns in the future are why I suggested rewriting the table as a many to many realtionship. I strongly suggest you go that route and save yourself a lot of pain in the future.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ninja. But this will work fine for small to moderate size tables. That's also something for the OP to figure out, when to use a certain solution or just redesign the whole thing. Right now he has laser sight on fixing this problem, so he'll like the code I have. He needs to realize that Stefan's solution above is optimal.

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • toddasd (5/5/2011)

    I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ninja. But this will work fine for small to moderate size tables. That's also something for the OP to figure out, when to use a certain solution or just redesign the whole thing. Right now he has laser sight on fixing this problem, so he'll like the code I have. He needs to realize that Stefan's solution above is optimal.

    Agreed, but then again doing that at presentation time is actually the optimal solution...IMHO

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