Maintenance Plan on Mirror partner

  • I want to add a new step to the Maintenance Plan running against a mirrored database. On the Primary machine this is not a problem since the database is available and the Maintenance Plan designer can be used as normal to select the database and the actions to take on it. But on the Mirror machine, the database is not available so the designer can not select the database. Copying the step from the Primary machine and pasting it in results in a GUID in place of 'Backup Database on Local server connection'.

    If I were to switch the Primary/Mirror by forcing a failover then no doubt I could then modify the plan on the former Mirror which would then be the Primary, but I'm wanting to avoid doing that since the switch is far from seamless with the clients that we use.

    The details of the Maintenance Plan must be stored somewhere, either within a table of SQL Server, in the registry or in a file, but I can't find it. Does anyone know where the plan gets stored, and whether it could be editted directly there instead of using the deisgner, and if that would get around the unavailable database problem?

    // James Gibb

  • Hi,

    The maintenance plans are stored in a repository known as SSIS (SQL Server Integration services). Under MSDB\maintenance plans. As for the editing part you would need to do it in the designer itself.



  • You may also want to schedule a failover test of the database to the mirror location, and then configure your maintenance plan during that window.

    We use custom SSIS packages and tasks to handle our maintenance, so we build in the logic to only perform actions on active databases, so our packages are dynamic between the principal and the mirror.


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