Log File Large (options) + Effects on Log Shipping

  • Hi there,

    I have a situation where i have a log file thats getting very large using the Full recovery mode.

    There is also log shipping setup on this Db to our DR site.

    I do not have a whole lot of experiance in SQL admin, so i would like to know what my options are in terms of reducing this log file size, and how / what effect it will have on the Log Shipping.

    As we have a large Db, any effect on the log shipping could potentially cause me to need to re-set this up, which would mean a trip offsite.



  • How often are you backing up the transaction log?

    Review the article I link to in my signature about maintaining transaction logs - it will help you understand what you need to do.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • You need to find out why the tlog grow so much is there any uncommited transactions ? or log running queries that increase the log size? What is the log file growth option is it on percentage wise or on MB wise, managing the file growth also manage the tlog growth. At the same time you should also monitor the tlog growth by scheduling windows script and receiving an alert.

    First thing is find out what makes your tlog to grow and is there any untunned queries which takes large space in your tlog?

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