SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer Edition Installation Failed on Windows 7 Professional

  • I have a Toshiba Satellite P505 laptop, which came with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, which I just upgraded to Windows 7 Professional. The SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer Edition installation failed, with error code -2061893608 (wouldn't it be cool if that were a phone number in Redmond ??? <<ha ha - fat chance>>)...

    Anyway, the error message indicated ""Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed.", and had suggestions to deinstall SQL Server and re-install it. All I can find on the web are numerous other instances of the same type of problem with various SQL 2008 versions and various operating systems, with references to Jim Chen at MSFT stating a bunch of Registry keys to mess with and then renaming all the SQL directories and then re-installing ... Not exactly the kind of thing most folks should be attempting, and the only other references talk about SQL Native Client having been previously installed with a package not named sqlnclt.msi (not sure I have the right spelling there).

    Neither of these solutions is particularly satisfying, and I'd prefer to have some better guidance. Has anyone here run across this?

    My laptop has 6 GB of RAM, and also has SP1 for Windows 7 in place.


    (aka sgmunson)


  • Wow... 45 views and not even 1 response from anyone other than me? Does anyone have even any general guidance on this? Anyone?


    (aka sgmunson)

  • Hello All,

    This problem remains... I see 77 views and no one can offer any guidance ? Would "pretty please with sugar on top, whipped cream, and a cherry" help? I use the machine for work, so any kind of start from scratch is somewhat impractical. I'd appreciate some guidance on next steps. Anyone?


    (aka sgmunson)


  • I recently ran into this on two separate SQL cluster installs, but will offer some more information in case it can help others. If you are installing SQL 2008 or 2008 R2 and use mount points this is a must read. Unfortunately if you get caught on this during the install your best options appear to be hacking the registry to get SQL to uninstall properly (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/953505) since it is only partially installed or reimage the machine so you can start over fresh.

    Below is a Microsoft feedback page that discusses the issue more. In summary you either need to have sub-folders in the mount points to point the data, log, TempDB, etc. to during the install or the SQL account you define the instance to run under needs to be a local admin on the machine. Important note if you have already started the setup then elevate the rights of the account you will still have this issue because the setup appears to remember the rights the account had when it was started.


    Good luck and I hope this saves some others out there the grief we had to experience with this.

  • Well, I finally got around to trying the install once again. Now that I've had opportunity to see a similar but slightly different problem with SQL 2008 (not R2), and solved that problem at work today, I decided to give the install on my personal laptop another try. At work, I had run into the following:

    SQL Server Setup encountered the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object..

    This had occurred during the install of the setup files. Turned out that the problem was that the SQL 2000 Client Network Utility had been installed by some portion of installing the corporate software; possibly having been part of the image; and there was no entry in Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs to allow it to be uninstalled (it wasn't really needed for the work I'm doing). After searching the web, I found that removing the "80" key under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\ in the registry was sufficient to allow the install to go forward. I also established a local account on the machine with local Admin rights and set the option to use the same account for all the services.

    Having succeeded with this, I checked the registry on the personal laptop (found nothing) and performed the setup for 2008 R2 in a similar way and bingo, my installation completed successfully. My previous attempt had me using separate least privelege accounts and that may have been a contributor to the problem. Anyway, I finally have my R2 instance !!! And it only took 2 months !!! Amazing....


  • Ten Centuries: Thanks a bunch. Your hard work helped (and saved) me.

  • Glad my experience could be of value. I am "sgmunson", though, not "Ten Centuries"... (you can call me Steve, too)...

    The latter is actually an "experience indicator" related to the number of posts in the forums I've made since becoming a member. You'll find the appellation "Forum Newbie" associated with your posts until you reach whatever the next level is in terms of posting quantity. In other words, the more you contribute, the further up the ladder you get. It doesn't necessarily mean too much, but chances are, if you're labelled "Ten Centuries" as opposed to "Forum Newbie", you've probably been answering questions more than asking them.


    (aka sgmunson)


  • Keith.

    I just got another ping on this topic so I ended up re-reading your response, and then remembered that at the time I was dealing with that problem, I had read your response and had wanted to respond about the rights elevation portion, but clearly, I completely spaced that.

    With respect to the rights any Windows-based id in a Windows environment has, that's a Microsoft design feature. Every ID has a "SID", and that "SID" gets associated with all the "tokens" for it's rights at logon time, so you can't elevate the rights of an ID and get instant results because there's no process to refresh the tokens for a logged on ID. You have to log off and then log back on to achieve that result. So it's NOT a matter of the SQL install remembering the rights at the start of the process, it's Windows that does that, going all the way back to the time the ID was used to log on. There are cases where NTFS permissions updates won't need a new logon, but any kind of group membership change that would grant NTFS rights CANNOT work until the ID logs off and back on so that it can inherit the new group membership token. Someone else may be able to more accurately explain the details, as it's been quite a while since I took my class on NT domains, but I'm pretty sure I have the basic concepts right. Of course, given that it's been about 9 months since your post, this info is probably irrelevant, but someone out there might need to know the why's and wherefore's.


    (aka sgmunson)


    Keith Edwards (5/13/2011)

    I recently ran into this on two separate SQL cluster installs, but will offer some more information in case it can help others. If you are installing SQL 2008 or 2008 R2 and use mount points this is a must read. Unfortunately if you get caught on this during the install your best options appear to be hacking the registry to get SQL to uninstall properly (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/953505) since it is only partially installed or reimage the machine so you can start over fresh.

    Below is a Microsoft feedback page that discusses the issue more. In summary you either need to have sub-folders in the mount points to point the data, log, TempDB, etc. to during the install or the SQL account you define the instance to run under needs to be a local admin on the machine. Important note if you have already started the setup then elevate the rights of the account you will still have this issue because the setup appears to remember the rights the account had when it was started.


    Good luck and I hope this saves some others out there the grief we had to experience with this.

  • Hello Steve,

    It has been awhile since this issue came up. If I recall if you elevated the rights after you had already launched the installer you would still have the issue. The rights had to be elevated before you launched the installer, but there was no need to logoff then log back in. Glad to hear your install worked after you tracked down the issue. Thanks

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