SQL 2008 Report Model Entity Issue

  • Hello,

    I have a report model over a relational DB built in VS 2008. It has one main fact entity and one main dimensional entity. The fact entity is listed at the top of the list of entities. In Report Builder 2.0, I am seeing strange behavior when reports are created a certain way. My exact steps in creating the report are to:

    1. Open the filter.

    2. Add a filter from the Fact entity.

    3. Add a filter from the Dimension entity.

    4. Close the filter.

    5. Add a field from Facts to the field list.

    6. Add a field from the Dimension to the field list.

    This is the point where Dimension and Fact entities switch order in the entities pane and where an additional group is added to the filter causing the filter to become a nested group instead of just being Facts With. Now the filter has a top level group which is Dimension With and nested inside is Facts With.

    What this is doing is I guess is filtering on Accident Facts and then that filter is not being applied at the top level so all results are displaying and the users are getting exaggerated results. If I would remove the Facts group, and then add the filters back in at the Dimension level, the report would return filtered results as expected.

    Has anyone else seen this? Can anyone explain why this happens? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Mellisa,

    I am having the similar behaviour. Please let me know if you have any solution for this problem.

    I am also not able to select two measure with two Dimensin attributes where they are many to many related to other fact.

    Thanks Tinku

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