tempdb drive not accessible

  • I just finished installing SQL Server 2008 R2 in a clustered Windows 2003 environment running on VMWare. We have a separate drive for tempdb (storage provided by a LUN on the SAN), which is not accessible for some reason. I can run queries just fine and even connect to the tempdb database from SSMS.

    When clicking on the drive's properties, it shows 0 bytes for used and available space. I know this is incorrect because tempdb's properties show that its files are on that very drive (along with SQL Server still works). Also obviously we were able to write to the drive during the Sql Server 2008 R2 install to put the tempdb drives on there in the first place.

    Has anyone seen this before? What can I do to make the drive accessible via Windows Explorer/command line/etc.?

    I've searched for hours on Google and have only found one post on msdn related to this issue and that person's problem is still unsolved (at least going by what's on there).

  • Did you try recyling the instance. Not sure if this would work but just my 2 cents.


  • Yes. We tried recycling along with failing to the second node (K: still not accessible) and back to the first node (no change).

  • Wintel and storage team will help you as everything happening fine from sql server side.

    So there will some configuration issue.


  • goto drives properties and make it share and grant full access to all users. then check...

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