How to read SSIS 2008 packages and tasks from VBScript

  • Hi All,

    My requriment is like i have to read all the SSIS packages names which are placed on a server, and in each package i have to read all the tasks names using VBA language.

    We can accomplish this for DTS packages as explained in the following link . I have to do the same kind of operations for SSIS.It would be greatful if any one suggests me sample code for my requriment.

    Thanks in advance.

  • You can retrieve the packages names fairly easy by querying the MSDB database, if they are stored into the SQL Server database or in the package store.

    If they are stored in the file system, you only need to go to the directory and list all the files that have the .dtsx extension. (The .NET classes DirectoryInfo and FileInfo can be useful).

    To get the task names, that will be more difficult I guess. You'll have to address the SSIS .NET API extensions (or even worse, the COM extensions), but unfortunately I have no experience with this.

    I do know it is possible though, I've seen a colleague do it 🙂

    (alternatively, you could parse the XML file - since dtsx is actually a big XML file - to retrieve the task names)

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