Need help with column delimiter

  • I have a sproc that is calling the following Bulk Insert:

    BULK INSERT MEDA4C745.DBO.Arch_Medications FROM 'f:\Inbound\MEDA4C745\Unzip\Arch_Medications.txt' WITH(FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t|~|\t', ROWTERMINATOR = '|~|')

    When loading I get a conversion error. I want to load the faile into a temp table using ssis and send error rows to another destination but I don't know how to set the column and row delimiters to the ones set as FIELDTERMINATOR and ROWTERMINATOR in the code above. Does anyone know how to set it in a connection mgr?

  • Never mind, I added ERRORFILE ='f:\Inbound\MEDA4C745\Unzip\Error', MAXERRORS = 100 to the tsql command and fixed it that way

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