file extension to clean

  • I use maintenance plan at weekends to clean up backups older than two weeks.

    On the screen, for the extension, what shall I put to delelte all the files that older than two weeks that include files with bak, trn and transaction log backups without any extension.

    Shall I put an * in the file extension field, it seems not working.


  • I strongly dislike that dialog box. * might be considered too dangerous to use, and so won't work. You may need to create three different steps, one for each extension.

    I can never remember if it's "bak" or ".bak", but I think it's the former. It would be interesting to see if the files with no extension are deleted if you leave the extension field blank. If it doesn't work, you may need to consider adding an extension, or deleting them another way.

  • You would use the extension you give your backup files without the "." IE. bak or trn. You will also have to create a step for each different extension you want to delete. Make sure its pointing to the correct directory and you shouldn't have any problems.

  • Also, make sure you are on at least SP3. Earlier versions have various Maint Plan bugs.

  • I only recently noticed that someone had modified one of my maintenance plans to delete anything older than ... The issue was that the original plan was not setup to distinguish or "label" which backup was which (Full/Differential). My fix, create three different extensions, one for Full (bak), Differential (diff), and Transaction Logs (trn).

    Chris Powell

    George: You're kidding.
    Elroy: Nope.
    George: Then lie to me and say you're kidding.

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