updating data during the select statement

  • Hi, realized i may have posted this originally in the wrong section of forum.

    I have a table of data that contains the following. I need to do a select on the table that asseses the data and makes changes during the select.

    The rules i have to abide by are as follows....(question below)

    if intman is >= '21' and <= '28' then admtype = 'EM'

    if (admtype = 'DC' and los > '0') then admtype = 'IP'


    CREATE TABLE PS_TestForOnline


    ukey varchar (10),

    intman VARCHAR(5),

    admtype VARCHAR(5),

    los VARCHAR(5)


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('1','21','EM','7' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('2','19','EM','8' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('3','28','EM','10' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('4','13','IP','2' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('5','11','DC','0' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('6','15','DC','0' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('7','25','IP','12' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('8','11','DC','3' );

    select * from PS_TestForOnline


    My question is as follows,

    how do i lay out the

    select ukey, (intman where ?....), (admtype where ?......), los

    from PS_TestForOnline

    where .......etc

    I'm trying to prepare data prior to use through reporing services so less manual intervention is required into report production.

    Many Thanks in advance for any advice given.

  • Read up on the CASE statement in Books Online.


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    Jason L. Selburg
  • I think you are asking for a SELECT that changes the values of the data during the SELECT process, but does not update the actual table....correct? If that is the case, I think you are looking for this:

    select ukey,

    case when intman between 21 and 28 then 'EM'

    when admtype = 'DC' and los > '0' then 'IP'

    else admtype end as AdmType,


    from PS_TestForOnline

    where (fill in the criteria here...i didn't see where you had any)

    When you realize you've dug yourself into a hole....Step 1...stop digging.

  • many thanks for that.

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