two insert statments takes long time to process

  • Hi everyone,

    I got a stored procedures with two insert statment in it.

    it takes more than 10 sec to finish.

    with the same amount of row to insert,

    if I run this two insert separately (in two stored procedures) it just take 2 to 3 sec for each.

    does anyone have an idea?


  • Not without seeing the stored procedures, the tables affected, and data you are trying to insert.

    There may be more that is needed, but that would be a good start.

    You have to remember, we can't see what you see from here.

  • below is my code, i dont know why two insert togeher in the sp will take much longer time to finish the process

    CREATE procedure [usp_addRecords] (

    @id as int,

    @clientNumber as int


    INSERT INTO tblOrder(




    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber)

    select clientNumber

    from tblOrder

    where not exists

    (select *

    from tblClientList

    where tblOrder.clientNumber=tblClientList.clientNumber)

    group by clientNumber

  • Seems you have overcomplicated things here.You are inserting into tblClientList after selecting from tblOrder and then checking in tblClientList whether it exists or not.

    Wont just having an unique key on clientNumber in tblClientList suffice the requirement?

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • I dont get it. clientNumber in tblClientList is primary key.

    can you tell me abit more in detail. thx!!

  • Well the

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber)

    select clientNumber

    from tblOrder

    where not exists

    (select *

    from tblClientList

    where tblOrder.clientNumber=tblClientList.clientNumber)

    group by clientNumber

    part is slightly extreme. It will look on all rows in the tblOrder and make sure that a that clientNumber exists in the tblClientList. Not just the row that was added. So slightly overkill.

    CREATE procedure [usp_addRecords] (@id as int, @clientNumber as int)


    INSERT INTO tblOrder(clientNumber) VALUES(@clientNumber)

    if not exists (select * from tblClientList where clientNumber = @clientNumber)

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber) values (@clientNumber)

    Would be better i think because it will just check if the clientNumber that you just added exists or not. And if not add it to the tblClientList.

    If you can a foreign key sounds like a plan. You would then have to change the procedure a bit though

    CREATE procedure [usp_addRecords] (@id as int, @clientNumber as int)


    if not exists (select * from tblClientList where clientNumber = @clientNumber)

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber) values (@clientNumber)

    INSERT INTO tblOrder(clientNumber) VALUES(@clientNumber)

    Have to insert into the tblClientList first or else the FK will kick in 🙂

    Oh and i do hope you have a unique index/primary key on the clientNumber in the tblClientList... could make it slow otherwise. (and also to prevent duplicates)


  • dlam 18073 (11/16/2010)

    I dont get it. clientNumber in tblClientList is primary key.

    can you tell me abit more in detail. thx!!

    Then why are you checking whether the clientNumber exists?If there is a duplicate clientNumber being inserted an error message indicating Violation of primary key constraint will be thrown.

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • thx ppls to give me help!

    I did a test on two different sp (test with 3400 rows),

    one is my sp, processing time 46 sec

    CREATE procedure [usp_addRecords] (

    @id as int, @clientNumber as int)


    INSERT INTO tblOrder(clientNumber) VALUES(@clientNumber);

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber)

    select clientNumber

    from tblOrder

    where not exists

    (select * from tblClientList

    where tblOrder.clientNumber=tblClientList.clientNumber)

    group by clientNumber

    another one from tommyh, processing time 31sec

    CREATE procedure [usp_addRecords] (@id as int, @clientNumber as int)


    INSERT INTO tblOrder(clientNumber) VALUES(@clientNumber)

    if not exists (select * from tblClientList where clientNumber = @clientNumber)

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber) values (@clientNumber)

    tommyh's one spent less time then my one, also I did another test, use same number of rows. I split my sp in two

    first one processing time 17sec

    CREATE procedure [usp_addRecords] (

    @id as int, @clientNumber as int


    INSERT INTO tblOrder(clientNumber)


    second one , processing time 0.7sec

    CREATE procedure [usp_addclientNumbers]


    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber)

    select clientNumber

    from tblOrder

    where not exists

    (select * from tblClientList

    where tblOrder.clientNumber=tblClientList.clientNumber)

    group by clientNumber

    question:why this two insert processes split into two separate procedures spent less time, compare to group these into one procedure?

    How does store procedure work?

    Does it insert all the value to tblOrder, then check any new client to insert into tblClientList?

    hope my qusetion doesnt confus any ppl!

  • Im going to guess that the test when you broke them up into 2 SPs isnt entirerly accurate.

    Im guessing you made 3400 usp_addRecords followed by 3400 usp_addclientNumbers. Which isnt how the original SP works. The HUGE difference is the nr of inserts.

    The original SP inserts a row into tblOrder checks tblClientList to see if the ClientNr exists there and if not adds it. So in worst case your going to get 2 inserts per execution. So being negative and all im going to go with that. So your going to get 3400 + 3400 inserts (and 3400 selects... the subquery).

    Now if you run 3400 usp_addRecords followed by 3400 usp_addclientNumbers your going to get 3400 + 1 inserts (and 3400 selects). So why only +1 insert you ask? Well since you have a subquery your going to get a single insert with 3400 rows. But 1 insert with many rows is WAY WAY faster then many inserts with 1 row. The following 3399 executions arent going to insert anything... already done with the first execution.

    As you tested yourself 3400 inserts cost 17s. Simple math will tell us that 3400+3400 inserts will give 17+17 so 34s (close to the 31 your test got). The second one has 3400 so im going with 17s here as well. The 3400 selects? As you have shown yourself its less then 1s so hardly worth mentioning.

    So this really has nothing to do with how a SP work or not. Its simply about what your asking SQL to do for you.


  • Sachin Nandanwar (11/17/2010)

    dlam 18073 (11/16/2010)

    I dont get it. clientNumber in tblClientList is primary key.

    can you tell me abit more in detail. thx!!

    Then why are you checking whether the clientNumber exists?If there is a duplicate clientNumber being inserted an error message indicating Violation of primary key constraint will be thrown.

    Gosh... I just wouldn't do it that way, Sachin. It reminds me of spaghetti code... throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. If it causes a ROLLBACK, it get's really expensive.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Thx for ur detail explain tommyh!

    something that's stil not clear from my mind.

    I know my second insert is not effective, and I understand your code(only check the @clientNumber, not all of the row from the tblClientList)

    base on my last post,

    the testing time:

    46s <> 17s + 0.7s

    that is a big difference.

    I stil dont get it why there is the difference.

  • Always try to use LEFT JOIN (or RIGHT) instead of NOT IN or NOT EXIST. LEFT JOIN is going to have faster performance.

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber)

    SELECT a.clientNumber

    from tblOrder a

    LEFT JOIN tblClientList b on a.clientNumber = b.ClientNumber

    WHERE b.clientNumber IS NULL

  • Edit: never mind. Misread the question

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • ngreene (12/3/2010)

    Always try to use LEFT JOIN (or RIGHT) instead of NOT IN or NOT EXIST. LEFT JOIN is going to have faster performance.

    insert into tblClientList (clientNumber)

    SELECT a.clientNumber

    from tblOrder a

    LEFT JOIN tblClientList b on a.clientNumber = b.ClientNumber

    WHERE b.clientNumber IS NULL

    This was the case with SS2K, don't know about SS2K5, but certainly not so with SS2K8 where the performance of EXISTS / NOT EXISTS / IN / NOT IN is often similar or the same as the equivalent JOIN - because a JOIN may be used in the actual plan.

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  • dlam 18073 (11/21/2010)

    thx ppls to give me help!

    I did a test on two different sp (test with 3400 rows),

    one is my sp, processing time 46 sec

    another one from tommyh, processing time 31sec

    tommyh's one spent less time then my one, also I did another test, use same number of rows. I split my sp in two

    first one processing time 17sec

    second one , processing time 0.7sec

    question:why this two insert processes split into two separate procedures spent less time, compare to group these into one procedure?

    How does store procedure work?

    Does it insert all the value to tblOrder, then check any new client to insert into tblClientList?

    hope my qusetion doesnt confus any ppl!

    I didn't know SS2K8 would run on a 64k Amstrad.

    Seriously, those run times should be milliseconds, not seconds. What indexes have you got on those tables? How many rows do they contain? Can you post the DDL?

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

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