Concatenating numeric fields

  • Hi

    I need to concatenate the following (which executes a function to select the financial year from a DateTime field):

    SELECT *,

    dbo.Fn_FinMonth (DatePart(MM,[Graded Date])) FinMth,

    e.g. Month 04 = Financial Month 01

    with the financial year as selected here:

    FinYear = CASE

    WHEN MONTH([Graded Date]) < 4 THEN YEAR([Graded Date])-1

    ELSE YEAR([Graded Date]) END

    e.g 2010

    My required output from the above example would therefore be 201004

    Both fields are numeric, so if I use the standard SQL concatenation symbol (+) it sums the 2 fields to give 2011. I know I should be using convert or cast here, but I can't quite work out how.

    As usual, any help would be much appreciated.



  • richard.kirby (2/23/2011)


    I need to concatenate the following (which executes a function to select the financial year from a DateTime field):

    SELECT *,

    dbo.Fn_FinMonth (DatePart(MM,[Graded Date])) FinMth,

    e.g. Month 04 = Financial Month 01

    with the financial year as selected here:

    FinYear = CASE

    WHEN MONTH([Graded Date]) < 4 THEN YEAR([Graded Date])-1

    ELSE YEAR([Graded Date]) END

    e.g 2010

    My required output from the above example would therefore be 201004

    Both fields are numeric, so if I use the standard SQL concatenation symbol (+) it sums the 2 fields to give 2011. I know I should be using convert or cast here, but I can't quite work out how.

    As usual, any help would be much appreciated.



    There are a number of ways to do this - this is just one of them. Hopefully, the sample code below will get you moving in the right direction...

    declare @testDate date

    set @testDate = '2010-04-15'

    select cast(YEAR(@testdate) as varchar) +

    right('00' + cast(MONTH(@testdate) as varchar),2)

    This returns 201004 as the result.



  • Do you really want to return fiscal year plus calendar month rather than fiscal year plus fiscal period?

    I also dislike using a CASE statement to return the fiscal year, because it disguises the fact that it's a linear function of the date. Here is how to find the fiscal year starting April 1st without using a CASE statement. It will need to be adjusted for other fiscal years. This is also useful if you really want to return the fiscal period rather than the calendar month.

    SELECT Year(DateAdd(Month,-3,YourDateField)) AS FiscalYear

    , Convert(char(6), DateAdd(Month, -3, YourDateField), 112) AS FiscalPeriod

    FROM YourTable


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (2/23/2011)

    Do you really want to return fiscal year plus calendar month rather than fiscal year plus fiscal period?

    Good point. I was only focused on the technical "how do you concatenate the parts of the date" portion, not the business logic behind it.

    Kind of funny, because at my office, my first priority is always to dig into the business logic!

    - Ki


  • Thanks Kiara and Drew - this is great stuff and I shall share it with my colleagues to help them write more efficient SQL as like me they probabaly use more long winded methodologies using case etc. to come up with Fiscal Year data.

    Much appreciated.



  • Hi

    often i have the same issue. If there is no absolute need for the result being a char, but an integer value is ok too, then i use

    SELECT Year(testdate) * 100 + month(testdate)

    If the first fiscal period is f.ex april, then i use:

    SELECT case when month(testdate) < 4 then (year(testdate)+1)*100 + month(testdate) - 3

    else year(testdate)*100 + month(testdate) + 9 end as FiscalPeriod



  • Hi Piet

    Thanks for this - I have placed your code in our syntax library, so my colleagues can make their choice!



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