Blog Post

SQL Saturday #51 in Nashville


I just found out today that I will be one of the speakers at SQL Saturday #51 in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday, August 21, 2010.  My presentation will be:

DMV Emergency Room!

If you have ever been responsible for a mission critical database, you have probably been faced with a high stress, emergency situation where a database issue is causing unacceptable application performance, resulting in angry users and hovering managers and executives. This session will show you how to use DMV queries to quickly detect and diagnose the problem, starting at the server and instance level, and then progressing down to the database and object level. This session will show you how to assemble and use an emergency DMV toolkit that you can use to save the day the next time a sick database shows up on your watch in the Database ER!

This should be a great, free event, with a very impressive slate of speakers. The full schedule is here.


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